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About horses

26,800 subscribers

About About horses

This channel is about my passion and about my journey to do research on the Horse as an animal. In English that is the intrinsic value. So I share here things I have learned, I learned from them , from the Horses. Nothing here is commercial, its about my dedication and passion for the animals I admire so much and who were just always there, kind, gentle and friendly.

The Horses instinct is the most precious part of being Horse. For us people one the greatest things to do to activate their kindness and cooperation.
My channel is free to watch and I hope to make you smile and and bring you some joy, or better share my passion with you.

Thank you for watching the movies, I do my best and hope it helps you to understand more about our great Equine friends and you will be inspired. The best Horse to be with is the pure and balanced animal.

English is not my language, but I do my very best to make it worth while.

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