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The Psychology of Heaven with T.S. Dismas.

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The Psychology of Heaven with T.S. Dismas.の説明

The purpose of this channel is to share God’s LOVE and healing through stories of real conversion and a relationship with God.
I would like to dive into the study of how Heaven impacts our daily life. How does a relationship with God and His LOVE affect our human mind and it’s functions as well as our patterns of behavior in life.

Good mental health is often characterized by a persons ability to fulfill a number of key life functions
1.) the ability to learn
2.) the ability to feel, express and manage a range of both positive and negative emotions.
3.) the ability to form and maintain good relationships.
4.) the ability to suffer well or to endure the natural suffering found in the state of the living.

My greatest passion professionally is helping people that suffer from PTSD, various traumas and deep grief. Therefore we will regularly visit these subjects to discuss how the LOVE of God impacts even the most broken areas of our lives to restore us to wholeness in HIM.

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