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The Healing Collective

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The Healing Collectiveの説明

We all know that there is strength in numbers. Likewise, we know we are all energy. This channel is a place for you to tap into that strength to solve whatever issue you may be having in life! Send your details to the channel email, I will post whatever you wish on the channel. And all of our wonderful community will pray/sending healing thoughts/energy to you! Jesus said, "Where ever 2 or more of you are gathered..." It matters not if you are religious, we now know that we are energy and we are POWERFUL! When we work together to solve a problem there is NOTHING that we cannot accomplish! We have all heard stories about people experiencing miraculous complete remissions when having health issues. Why? Because their belief, or the belief of the people around them, their faith made it possible! And this is a "pay it forward" community. Please visit to not only receive blessings, but also to bless others. Let's get together and heal this world! One person/problem at a time. Thank you.

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