Dame Pesos Video Collection (2015-2020)

Published 2023-06-12
Everyone's favorite Chilean brown person is here! Backed up onto the Internet Archive in case his videos are taken off of YouTube.

mp4 Metadata
Each mp4 file contains metadata for
  • Title (Name - ©nam)
  • Channel name (Artist - ©ART)
  • Webpage URL (Comment - ©cmt)
  • Date/UTC Time (Date - ©day)
  • Encoder (Encoder Settings - ©too)
  • Video description (Long Description - ldes)
  • Chapter markers

Video IDs
Each video file has a unique ID at the beginning of the filename.

The numbers before the hyphen represents the published date in a YYYYMMDD format. After the hyphen is the published time in a 24-hour HHMM co-ordinated universal time format.

Therefore, a video with the ID 20200203-2034 was originally published on 3 February 2020 at 20:34 UTC.