TvNI for Dec 19 JFK - who dunnit and how! - with Robert Morningstar

Published 2023-06-12
A shocking show revealing the bloody truth exposing the daring High Treason 'magic' from 50 years ago -
Robert Morningstar is my very special guest today.
Special Request to all experts ( and anyone with any substantive info ) on the JFK assassination: 
Please refute what is said and revealed in this program, so all of US won't have to believe the 'reality' of the facts and ramifications of this brutal assassination / criminal coup d'etat.
Here is Morningstar's linked article:
Here is the video about Vice-president Johnson (with sound!):
A month ago, Professor James H. Fetzer, appeared on our Nov. 12 Call 4 Investigation show - Must see at
We have been skyping  ever since.   Here is some interesting/significant info we exchanged then:  [  COMMENTS UPDATES IN BOLD CAPS]
[11/13/2013 10:16:59 AM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: Right on.
[11/13/2013 10:17:03 AM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: who does this 39 year old man look like?  a little bit?  stature & build?

[11/13/2013 12:11:29 PM] James H. Fetzer:  ...he does look a lot like JFK  but I do not think he was taken to Bethesda as a substitute or for body parts, which is the view of Robert Morningstar of New York City.
[11/13/2013 2:23:13 PM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: Jim, since you state in your own testimony about conflicting autopsy reports re: brain and back of head, - and I have heard about two caskets /body bags, isn't it possible that Dallas Police Officer Tippit was killed (by the patsy of course) to keep the 'magic bullet' plot saleable.   Are we sure that Tippit is in Tippit's casket?  Did he have a closed casket funeral?
[11/13/2013 2:24:23 PM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: So, based on what facts do you not now think Tippit was taken to Bethesda.
[11/13/2013 2:30:18 PM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: How many bullets did Tippit take?  And where?
[11/13/2013 2:44:29 PM] James H. Fetzer: Three to the torso, including one that hit his badge.  And one to the right temple after he was on the ground.
[11/13/2013 2:45:43 PM] James H. Fetzer: Earle Rose did an exception autopsy on Tippit.  I have not run into any good reason to think anything was funny about his autopsy, etc. DTG: AUTOPSY WAS DONE IN UNDER 1/2 HOUR .  IMMEDIATELY UPON DEATH ON THAT AFTERNOON.
[11/13/2013 3:06:41 PM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: 'One to the right temple AFTER he was on the ground'!?!?   BINGO!?!   What's an exception autopsy?     
Witness to Tippit's killing:  
Domingo Benavides : Biography
Domingo Benavides was driving his pickup truck along Tenth Street in Oak Cliff on 22nd November, 1963, when he claimed         he saw Lee Harvey Oswald kill J. D. Tippit.   However, he was not asked by the Dallas Police Department to view a line-up because "he didn't think he was very good at identifying people". !!!
Benavides later gave evidence to the Warren Commission, and the CBS: The Warren Report. In February 1964, his brother Edward Benavides, who resembled Domingo, was shot in the back of the head in a NIGHT-club in Dallas.
Domingo Benavides was convinced that Eddy's murder was a case of mistaken identity and that he was the intended victim.
Warren Reynolds
Warren Reynolds : Biography
Warren Reynolds was born in Dallas on 22nd June, 1935. After leaving Forest Avenue High School he found work at his brother's company, Reynolds Motor Company.
On 22nd November, 1963, Reynolds was in the Oak Cliff area when Officer J. D. Tippit was killed. He did not see the shooting but saw the gunman running from the scene of the crime.   Robert J. Groden later claimed that Reynolds stated that the man he saw was not Lee Harvey Oswald.
On 23rd January, 1964, Reynolds was himself the victim of a violent attack.   Darrell Garner was arrested  for shooting Reynolds , but Betty Mooney MacDonald, who had worked for Jack Ruby gave Garner an alibi. MacDonald was then arrested for fighting with her roommate. Soon afterwards MacDonald committed suicide in her police cell.
Despite being shot in the head Reynolds survived and after making a full recovery gave evidence to Warren Commission. He had now changed his mind and identified Oswald as the man he had seen running from the scene of the crime.     
    ---- something smells of shake-down / cover-up, right?                  

[12:34:29 AM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn:   ...   BTW, where was Tippit taken to - from where he was shot?
[5:24:32 AM] James H. Fetzer: Parkland, I believe.  
[12:29:02 PM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: Thanks,  so both Kennedy and Tippit were in the same emergency area of Parkland within the same hours, right?   Did Tippet die at the scene? YES  I suppose so with a point-blank(?) shot in his right temple.
[12:44:41 PM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: My crazy contention is that these criminal minds conspired to commit the most perfect crime against the most prominent president.  They needed a back-up 'plan B' cover. With few details (just enough sketchy details released to the media as an aside story to the major murder) about 'Tippit tripping onto Oswald' - and getting shot dead [by 2 (unidentified?) men who didn't resemble Oswald] - they had a second murder to pin on their patsy - plus a double for autopsy evidence - that the officials attended and controlled.     am I being outrageous in my speculation here?   It appears that their plan worked well - as Oswald is still the killer of record of Tippit, correct?   YES BASED ON FABRICATED EVIDENCE
[12:50:14 PM] James H. Fetzer: Yes, I think you are on the right track. It would be good to have proof his body was actually taken back to Bethesda, but the rest of your thoughts are completely reasonable.  TIME TO EXHUME TIPPIT'S CASKET
[12:50:52 PM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: Do you know if Tippit's funeral was a closed casket affair?  YES 
[12:51:20 PM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: Thanks for your thoughts.  I am not as crazy as most people think I am, then!
[12:57:17 PM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: Since you are in it -  most prominently in Part 7 - the Smoking GunS, you must have seen all 9 parts of:   If you look at, say parts 2, 3, 4, 5, (any of it - all of it!)  from my point of view, the pieces of the puzzle start to fit.
[1:01:46 PM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: There seemed to be two caskets getting mixed up between Dallas and Bethesda according to witnesses who were working at the scenes.   Part 1.  Many witnesses seemed to have untimely unnatural deaths,  Hmmmm.
[1:02:56 PM] James H. Fetzer: Yes. It wasn't a "mix up", it was a deliberate deception.  Doug Horne has done the most work on this in his INSIDE THE ARRB (2009).
[1:09:55 PM] Pastor Donald T. Grahn: BINGO!!
There may be more - but this is a very important side-incident that needs investigating .
CommentTruth vs. NEW$, Inc.:   The roots and fruits of the media's "truths"/ issues Guests, Clips and quips about important topics in the news - to help you learn what MSM may not want you to know. Don't swallow anything you see or hear here until you chew it t
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