C4I - Nov 8 - Pipeline and Selections

Published 2023-06-12
Patricia's Massive Report 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=71&v=-r0GishcSA8  starting at 7:40 Minutes to three minutes
FBI Clinton Foundation probe finds 'avalanche' of corruption evidence against her - but agents fear Justice Department will stop her going on trial3
New Twist on Comey Flip
speculation Comey switched due to wanting not to let Obama Pardon Hillary. But the RICO Law prohibits that.
The other point is his life was threatened, but for what?
Was it his knowledge about the Messiah?
Sunday   November 6, 2016
Tom Heneghan reports:
U.S. Military Flag Officers that Comey was threatened with assassination, along with his role as an HSBC-Larry Mizel crooked bank stooge, that covered up the role of the CIA in the use of the Bush-Clinton-CIA proprietary accounts that helped LOOT the U.S. Treasury of $27.5 TRILLION.
Weiner SOLD access to the Clinton server to Israel, who in turn sold access to Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, and Saudis sold it to Qatar. Qatar was hacked buy China, who then had access to the server, according to our sources.
Sources tell us Mossad used the sickening child porn videos found on Wiener’s computer to blackmail the politicians, celebrities and lobbyists who visited the island known as “Sex Slave Island”. They were able to extort the Royal Family in England, Bill Clinton, senators, congressmen, and so on.
FBI Anon also told us “Hillary has lost all her power. Even if she wins, she will be indicted.” This is the final straw that broke the camel’s back. What comes next is a potent mixture of treason, espionage and pedophilia.
Cicada 3301 has a program called CAKES – it has a new name and the platform is being used by Intel and law enforcement to report their corrupt superiors. FBI is working with WikiLeaks, as is the NYPD.
RICO, According to the Legal Encyclopedia: Passed in 1970, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) Such activity may include illegal gambling, bribery, kidnapping, murder, money laundering, counterfeiting, embezzlement, drug trafficking, slavery, and a host of other unsavory business practices.
FBI consider co-conspirators in cases such as this, as “spokes” in a wheel. They have over 80 “spokes” under investigation, regarding this case- and that includes their emails, texts, phone calls, etc. Each reporter, DNC operator and supporter is a potential “spoke” in this wheel of conspiracy.
We are being told this investigation will result in many arrests of high profile individuals. Obama is trying to set up a pardon for Hillary, but that will not be possible with RICO act, and actually will include Obama, from what our insiders are telling us.
According to our inside sources, some of the people under investigation, and who’s communications are being tapped include:
Alan Dershowitz
  Donna Brazile
  Debbie Wasserman Schultz
  John Podesta
  Terry Mcauliffe
  Gloria Borger
  Wolf Blitzer
  Chris Cuomo
  Chuck Todd
  5 reporters from the NY Times
  Sally Kohn
  George Soros
  John McCain
FBI Raided Democratic Headquarters
This further supports that the DNC is now involved in this investigation, as well:
BREAKING: Racketeering indictment of Hillary Clinton now 'likely' as FOIA for Datto backup device reveals FBI possesses ALL the incriminating emails
FCRA supposedly (Fair Credit Reporting Act)
see FCRA compliance:
NAPBS - The Voice of Screening Professionals. ... The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS)  https://www.napbs.com/accreditation/
"The company building a controversial oil pipeline north of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation failed to immediately notify state regulators after finding four stone cairns and other artifacts during construction in Morton County as tensions grew
SR 1313 – Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Hillary Clinton May Face Charges in Pedophilia Ring
For a list of Pedophile Priests:
WIKILEAKS: Convicted child abductor was caught stealing children in Haiti WITH THE CLINTONS!
Cheese Pizza = child pornography  http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cheese+pizza
Cheese = young girl  http://www.sex-lexis.com/Sex-Dictionary/cheese
Walnut – A term for an immature vulva, before the labia have developed. Term derives from the similar appearance of a little girl’s pussy to an uncracked walnut. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Walnut
Map – semen
Domino – A dominio grins refers to a man or woman who have left traces of blood over there face after licking out a girl who was on her rags.  http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Domino+Grin
Now, here are the emails. 
Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours?  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/23561
Indeed, Mary. :) . I’m coming to town the week after next and will bring some walnuts!
Hi John, I completely understand why dinner at your home did not include someone like me, who’s a known quantity to Clinton campaign veterans. But I wanted to make an appeal for an early opportunity to get myself and the Daily Beast Political editor, Jackie Kucinich, on your radar so I/we can write and report knowledgeably. There’s a long campaign ahead, and I’d like to establish a line of communications. Is there an assistant I should go through? I look forward to working with you (and maybe getting some of that pasta and walnut sauce dish!!) All best, Eleanor https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/35581
Can you send me walnut sauce recipe
But walnut sauce for the pasta? Mary, plz tell us the straight story,  was the sauce actually very tasty? https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/28891
Walnut growing northern CA surely knows and celebrates walnut pasta sauce? Actually what surprises me is that we haven’t already served it to you. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/28891
(Me speaking)I know what you are thinking. They are just talking about walnut sauce, I mean that’s a completely normal thing, I mean how many emails have you sent with the title Walnut sauce?ing right??? Podesta loved to cook, and walnut sauce was his specialty, so tons of people want to know about it.  so what about someone on his email thread that wasn’t in on the joke.
Subject: Re: Walnut Sauce?
Haha Jim has no idea what he’s talking about.
(Creepiest message for me)
At bottom
Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta? https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/30613
Decoded this means: Will John Podesta make a young girl bleed more than a young boy bleed?  
For any of those who would deny the existence of such demented practices, I would remind you that these sexual deviations have been a pastime of the wealthy and corrupt since the dawn of time…
This is massive! The Chairman of Homeland Security just said that Clinton's actions amount to TREASON.
The Fix Is In: NBC Affiliate Accidentally Posts Election Results A Week Early: Hillary Wins Presidency 42% to Trump’s 40%
Newly Released @FBI Files Say #VinceFoster’s Gun Never Fired, Anonymous Tip Referred To His “Murder”
Wells Fargo Sales Scandal Extends to Brokerage Unit: U.S. Senators
BREAKING Wikileaks: Abedin’s Computer Confirms HillaryClinton Was Behind Murder of Ambassador Stevens
The FBI Is Going to Bring Down the DOJ… and America Will Cheer the Agency’s Heroes as the Clinton Crime Regime Is Finally Toppled  http://beforeitsnews.com/police-state/2016/11/the-fbi-is-going-to-bring-down-the-doj-and-america-will-cheer-the-agencys-heroes-as-the-clinton-crime-regime-is-finally-toppled-3766.html
Agents in the FBI are right now seeking to topple the criminal corruption at the DOJ by targeting all the following individuals who may soon be wearing prison stripes:
* Attorney General Loretta Lynch
* Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates
* Assistant Attorney General Peter Kaznick
* Assistant Attorney General John P. Carlin
* Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell

http://12160.info/photo/pipeline-protest?context=userCall 4 Investigation: Grassroots news at dirt level. Current topics that need investigation. Learn to Always Question Authority - esp. the controlled media.   Your comments welcomed - as this show is an outreach to serve you - with info behind the news to hel
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