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1000 Sneezing Iguanas

Published 2023-06-12
One last look at my visit to Galápagos, in the form of what we here in news call a "videoessay." I stay behind the camera, so as a journalist on the scene, you neither see nor hear me. What you get is only the sound of the people and habitat "in front of the camera." It's a way to keep the reporter out of the way and to highlight subject and content over reporter.
In this case, the subject is a visit to Fernandina Island, on the etxreme west of all of Galápagos. It's where the youngest of Galápagos' volcanoes has painted the place black with pahoehoe lava an populated it with Marine Iguanas and Flightless Cormorants, a citizenry like nowhere else on Planet Earth.
Yes, I'm there pointing the camera. I was there to edit the video and sound all together too. But here's Ecuadorian Guia Christian Saa to show you around...

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