Mario VS. Sonic (PP)

Published 2003-10-19

Mario VS. Sonic - Pixel Paradise Entry

EDIT 19/02 - 2004

Now it was exacly 4 months ago I submitted this movie, and now 4 months later, I have updated the movie much, like cooler effects and stuff.
The 2 other endings are still coming soon

EDIT 17/02 - 2004

Finally I´ve submit the near full movie!
Hope u like this more!
(2 more endings to come...)

EDIT 20/10 - 2003

I update some things, a little longer ending also.

This is my entry for the Mario VS. Sonic Contest, Hope u enjoy it!

The movie isn´t done yet, beacuse the contest ends tomorrow, but i edit it as fast as i can, enjoy it anyway.