Requests#2 - The Internet

Published 2006-05-05

************ edit Feb 18, 2009 ************

So for my own reasons, I edited this a bit and altered the intro scene a little. I hope nobody's too upset, but I don't really have an enormous following so I'm sure I'll be fine.
I also changed one little thing just before the "fight" scene. I didn't like the way I would say, "you're going DOWN" and it's always bothered me. So instead I imitated a Chewy scream.

Makes sense to me.
You may want to watch this more than once, as there is a great deal of "somewhat hidden" humour if you read the text in the backgrounds. It's my commentary on the various facets of internetocity.

No extra credits on this one, it was all me. My guitar is the only part of it that wasn't a vocal or modulation of my voice (yes, even the woman... that took me FOREVER to get right)