Published 2012-02-20

(Just to point out, on the "level select screen" use the arrows to select the level and then go to the option and select play ;P)

(Edit2: I think I might of fixed some lag issues for some people thanks to a very awesome guy called Mr.Fulp pointed me into a direction that might be the cause. However without experiencing any myself (even on the lower end laptops I test the game with,) I can't be certain. Only time I had issues with lag (not with this game) was when a very power draining advert was being displayed at the top.

Secondly, if people are experiencing lag could you please state what browser you're using if you post it in the review section thanks! Although hopefully the edits to the game should hopefully of reduced it less. Another note, it could be Internet Explorer because three friends who played it on Firefox and then Internet Explorer said that IE runs it a bit slower...

Finally thankies for the front page! Seriously means a lot to me, like I say it's a learning experience and try and improve every step along the way!)

(Edit: I've fixed the issues in that some people can't beat level 1-7 and 2-1.)
(Edit: For people on slower computers a standalone exe can be found 'ere: )

Well instead of making another shooter I decided to make a puzzle/action/platformer type thing titled MagnetKid. The game is challenging but I've managed to beat it :P.

The title was a little to ambitious for me I believe, but still I tried and I don't think I did too badly :3 I'll prolly work on something smaller next, like a SmashTV type game, I dunno :P

Arrows = Move
A = Jump
S = Switch Polarity
Enter = (Accept Menu)
B (while in game) = Return to menu
M (while in game) = Mute sound
N (while in game) = Unmute sound.

If the MagnetKid's polarity matches the object's polarity, they will repel.
If the MagnetKid's polarity are different to the object's polarity, they will be attracted.
Spikes/Bombs/General hazards will kill you...but you have unlimited lives so...!
Find the four gameboy's to warp to bonus levels and unlock NG medals!

Anyway yeah, I just wanted to give designing a platformer game a stab, I just hope ye likeths :3


(This is my first stab at a platform game, so yanno :P)