AAHW Diss-off

Published 2018-04-29

Hello Newgrounds! For the 25th of the anniversary of when a baseball movie I love and have seen countless times called "The Sandlot" was first released (April 1, 1993), I decided to make a tribute with more madness-like elements based on the famous insult scene between the main Sandlot kids (who I cast the 1337 agents as) and the show-off team (who the ATP agents play in this). Here is a clip of what I based it off of:


I couldn't get this done in time for its actual anniversary, but still wanted to have it out during the month of April when it was released. Its concept is pretty similar to my flash "Explaining Hank" (https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/692718) where I rewrote and animated a scene from "Mean Girls" to focus on Hank.

All voice work done by me (my natural speaking voice is from the 1337 agent that does most of the talking, everything else is accents I came up with). This is done purely for laughs. Hope you all enjoy!