Robot Debate Club - Robot Day 2020

Published 2020-08-26

It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it...

-Joeseph Joubert


Happy Robot Day Everybody! :D

I had myself a simultaneously busy and distracted August this year. When I wasn't busy, I was distracted. When I wasn't distracted, I was busy. Enter three days ago I realize that the toon I had been working on a while for Robot Day was too labor intensive to get done in the way that I want it to get done, so I did what any reasonable person does when they find themselves in a hole...I stopped digging. I spent a day thinking about what I could feasibly animate in a couple of days, and this was the result.

Whipped up a script, recorded with as many takes as I needed and then went straight to my friends to bounce ideas off of them. My emergency back-up plan was that if I didn't have time to finish this, I'd still have the audio I spent a good deal of the first day on. Luckily for me, if I am well rested and healthy beforehand, I can pull off the fabled 'Super All-Nighter'*, in which I can stay up for a whole day. Such a finishing move was vital and necessary to getting this done in time for Robot Day, so I hope you all enjoy the robot based festivities! ...because I'll be sleeping for the rest of it. lol

*Syrupmasterz does not condone All-Nighters. They are a finishing move, not a daily strategy. Only use it if you truly, TRULY want to get something done and there are no consequences for sleeping in late healthily afterwards.

Enjoy! :D


All voice-acting except for the audience is all done by me, and Debate Bot 900 was made with Tones generated by Audacity and then warped beyond recognition with filters and effects.

Additional Sound effects are from Youtube Videos that told me that the sound effects within them were free to use by anyone or in one case where it seemed like someone who had hunted for free to use sounds just like me, but of course since I don't always know when I can trust online strangers...if you are a big fancy company (or just any company and/or person) and it turns out I have inadvertently used your sound effects without permission, let me know which ones they are and I will work to rectify the situation free of charge.

No need to get all 'Let's Sue Syrupmasterz' happy or anything...haha


Made with Flash MX and Audacity