

Explore the island and discover artifacts from breaking open rocks. Complete Gramps' journal and find every single artifact on the island while also exploring and interacting with fellow explorers.

Loading time may be a bit long because it's a bit beefy.


WASD to move

Click to interact and mine

Q to place bomb

E to open journal

ESC to return to menu

This was an old concept which I fleshed out a bit more. The hand drawn bits took much longer than it should. This was mainly for me to experiment with random generation so ore spawning may be a little bit buggy (You might see an ore on a tree or on top of someone). There's also a bug where you might occasionally be back at the starting area after exiting a shop.

My friend Benjamin Wang composed the music for this one again, please check out his channel if you enjoyed the music.

2/7/2021 - Dialogue update, data may be erased