Resident Evil Ebola 6

Publicado 2024-05-06

The virus has left the Mansion and flooded the city streets, can Python City be saved?

I would prefer if you play this game in the default window size, Fullscreen greatly reduces quality and animation!

I originally had a "Save" function for this game, so players can come back and load their progress at any time, but after multiple beta tests I found the cloud saved files to be a bit shoddy as they would disappear often. Due to Flash mostly being obsolete these days, this doesn't surprise me.. Unfortunately, I had to add a chapter select that can be accessed from the beginning of the game, however this will affect Medal Progress and decisions made in game so I recommend completing the game in a single session if possible!


*Some actions won't be available until after the prologue*

Arrow Keys - Move around

S - Primary Weapon

D - Secondary Weapon

E - Third Weapon

A - Melee Attack

F - Liquid Herb

Q - Ammo Crafting Menu

ENTER - Open Doors / Interact with Environment

SPACE - Open Inventory

*Enter can also be used to skip some cutscenes.