Published 2023-06-12

I'm still getting to grips with Voxatron, but I had fun making this game. It's a simple score attack thing where you pilot this little blob around the screen, dodging the big lasers. Score points by scooting through the lasers while they charge, before they fire. But you're better safe than sorry if you're not sure you can make it!

Voxatron is funny because it feels Big compared to PICO-8, and also limited in an interestingly different way. I keep wanting to use the 'whole screen' in fullscreen but I can't, because I only have the voxel screen. I need to work on adjusting the camera better. Anyway nothing too exciting here but it's another game!

(in menu)
Z: start game

(in game)
Arrows: move

(in 'game over' screen)
Z+X together: back to title page: here

#onegameamonth Feb 2019