Z order style queue function!

Published 2023-06-12

have you ever wanted to do z ordering, but without careful programming practices?

well i have the product for you!

introducing: the queue() and drawq() functions!


queue(--[[any function (spr, rect, pal, anything)]],{--[[array of parameters]]},--[[order index]])
use this to put things in the queue.

no parameters here! it just bubble sorts --[[oh god]] the functions and calls them in that order,
meaning that --[[for example]], spr calls with the y pos passed as an index, will be stacked like real things, and no more characters standing on each others heads!

run this to clear the queue. this is the var which i used for queues. this is not perfect, but improvements are left as an exercise for the reader. --please post them, as i know i could do better.

anyway, the script:

here's a little example!