3x3 font

Published 2023-06-12

oh woe is me, my letters are large and my text is readable...
but what if...

introducing the

that's right! you too could have a handy dandy function for drawing
compact text that fits perfectly on the screen, unlike pico-8's 3*5 font,
which is 32 by 12.33333333...

gross! get that recurring fraction out of here! all i need is 32 chars
by 32 chars!

for the low low cost of however many sprites you are willing to sacrifice,
and however many tokens this thing is, you too can have a pleasant print
the fits (screen wise) anywhere!

just take the following stuff (its customisable, so the character set can be
whittled or widened for whatever you're up to.

free of charge, there is another function (made by yours truly) that
allows you away to use spr() on any sprite scale, but if you don't need it
it can be probably squished into there? i don't know.

anyway, i'm done. its the worlds problem now!
