Mot's Grand Prix track editor

Publicado 2023-06-12

This is the track editor for Mot's Grand Prix

I don't recommend running this in browser as you cannot save/load tracks - anything you build will be lost.
Rather download the file and run it in Pico-8 itself.

You will also need to download the main game and run it in Pico-8 in order to race on any tracks you create.

This editor requires a keyboard and mouse.

You can download the tracks from the existing game from this Google Drive folder. Place them in your carts folder (next to the editor) then select "Load" from the editor hamburger menu (top right) to load them.

IMPORTANT: There are known bugs that will crash the editor, so save often!

The basic components of a race track are:

Are used to partition the race track. Every track must have at least one stage.
The advantage of having multiple stages is that their curves and items are stored independently of the other stages, so if you modify the curves in a stage you only need to fixup the positions of the background items within that stage. Also they can help you keep track of what part of the track you are working on.

Click "New->Stage" to add a new stage. The new stage will be inserted immediately after the current stage.

The current stage is displayed top-left underneath the menu bar.

You can click on the name to edit it. Or click "-" to delete it.
Deleting a stage deletes all its curves and background items, so be careful.

Curves define the shape of the race track, i.e. the corners, straights, hills, valleys etc.
Note: Despite the name a "curve" doesn't have to actually curve. It can be completely straight.

Click on the race track itself to select a curve.

Click "New->Curve" to add a new curve.
If a curve is already selected, the new curve will be inserted immediately before it in the current stage.
If no curve is selected, the new curve will be added to the end of the current stage.
To delete the curve, select it and click the "-" button next to the curve (NOT the one next to the stage!)

Edit the curves properties to modify it.
Most properties are edited using sliders. Drag with the left mouse for small increments and right mouse for large.
Remember to click "Update" to see the result of a change.

Items are background items, like stadiums, buildings, signs. They don't affect gameplay, but make the track look more alive.
Click on a background item to select it.
You can also use the "<" and ">" buttons to cycle through the items in a stage (useful if you accidentally place one in a position where it is never visible and can't be selected normally).
Click "New->Item" to create a new item, then select the item type from the list (mouse wheel to scroll).
The item will be created in the current stage, a few units in front of the camera.
To delete the item, click the "-" button next to it.

Background items have 3 properties representing their position relative to the race track.

You can also edit the sky and ground colours by selecting "Properties" in the hamburger menu.

The following items are generated automatically and cannot be edited:

To race on your track in the actual game, you need to export it:

Your track should now be in the game.