Smash Bros. NES Beta 0.7

Published 2011-02-20
Added the intro, space to skip it
Finished Mario's down, left, right ect. combos... but he still doesn't work.

An intresting fact about today, it will only come around every 100 years, another interesting fact, I finished link. Sorry it took so long... if anyone cares...

Finished luigi... still barely over 60 views

BIG update: New engine which includes the glitch fix, slopes, and wall detection. Also I included a new roster, Iknow some of you will be unhappy about this but it's the way it has to be, however, my mind is not totally set and it could still be changed. I also tried to speed things up a little bit. Also, I am considering cutting Luigi out of the game.

Btw, did you know it's been almost 8 months since I started working on this.

You can expect a new roster in the next update, unfortunately it will only contain Mario, Samus, Link, Megaman, and Kirby. Which btw are totally finished.