The Donut Bakery ★ A Baking Game

Published 2018-01-18
        - The Donut Bakery | A Baking Game -
Wow 10th on the baking explore page. Thanks everyone!

Also it's so fun seeing everyone's donuts hahah

Note: Please play on desktop! I made this before Scratch was mobile friendly and I will (probably) not be updating it anymore.

★ Double-click the green flag

★ Press space to move on to the next part of the dialogue

★ Click on the wallpaper to change it

★ Choose your donut flavor and fry it

★ Decorate & share with your friends! :D (you can click on the donut base to change its flavor while decorating)

(Maybe ♥ & ★ this too? If you really want to support me you can also follow... B) no? ok :( )

              - Notes & Credits -

★ ALL art and code by @whimsical unless stated otherwise below

★ Thank you to @MathMathMath for the smooth movement script in the project!

★ @Alberknyis for teaching me how to only detect when the key is pressed, not held down

★ One of the backgrounds was inspired by @ipzy's background on @niubun

★ Music:
- Ra-mu-ne by Snail's House
- Elevator Music by a person who probably loves elevators

Curated on March 28 2018!

Haha I was making a bigger project but since I got tired of doing that, this became sort of a side project! I had a lot of fun making this lol

I was going to make a sushi game but then there wouldn't be much to customize... unless you want rainbow fish or something (no)

Here are my donuts :P

Time taken: More than 2 months
90% of that time was making sure that there would be no glitches even if you tried really hard to get one LOL

(if you do happen to find one, please tell me because that was not supposed to happen...)

Please do not advertise!

Fun fact: I like donut holes more than donuts ;P

Shared Jan 18, 2018