- Photography Dump -

Published 2018-04-27
Hello again everyone! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Here is the second Art Dump that I did for my 500 Follower Special, and it's a photography one!

I am not a photographer, but I just had to capture these images from my garden while they last!
(My garden is pretty wild, and I liked the idea of finding the small bits of prettiness from the large scope of mess).

I only picked the best ones from the selection that I took, so here they are, and I hope you'll enjoy them!

- @chloegrape

Useful keys and navigation:
- Use the 'Space-bar' or the 'left' and 'right' arrow keys to navigate
through the project
- Press 'm' for mute
- Press 'u' for unmute
- Press 's' to stop the mouse-trail

Thanks and Credit goes to:

- @FontGod for the fonts 'Madison' and 'Jenna Sue'
- @xXRainpelt4518Xx for the background music 'The
Village in May'
- My Mum for letting me use her camera
- And last but not least... @Hopeshine who will be
curated this on November 27th! XD

(And sorry for not replying to all of the comments, but thank you all anyway! :D )
