The Apocalypse {MEME}

Published 2018-07-05
so this is Demi

They're big, scary, and essentially all four horsemen of the apocalypse combined.

so they bring about the destruction of the world.


alright so the thing up with this guy is that he has essentially the pulse of the world in his eyes.

The pulse stops, he closes every eye, and opens his mouth to reveal yet another eye that will pulse until the world ends while he destroys the world.

He then closes his mouth and goes back to his little jail thingy and just kinda sits there.

Sometimes he'll just kinda, leave his jail and wander around the Shadow Realm.

He's a pretty cool guy if you get to know him.
Or at least he's a cool guy until the pulse stops.

His eyes can close, but the eye on his chest will never close until the pulse stops and it is apocalypse world destruction time.

sometimes the pulse quickens, and he starts acting like a cat does when you're trying to go to sleep.