Kit to Leader (Experiments)

Published 2019-06-03
What you can do so far:
*Play mossball with Crystalkit
*Play Guess My Number (click white cat in apprentices den)
*Play Tic Tac Toe (click brown cat in apprentices' den)
*Get a bird pet (click white cat in elders' den)
*Talk to Ashtail, Creamfrost and Lilacpath (when you are older)
*You and other kits grow bigger, faster, and jump better the older you are (up to 20 days)
*Fall off the cliff (added Easy Jump)
*Pick flowers and wear them
*Become an apprentice and warrior
*Hunt, go on patrol, battle train
*Interact with water
*Become mates with Cottonpaw, Duskpaw, Breezepaw
*Have kits with Duskpaw (The kits don't grow up)
*Lure Mosskit into camp
*Become leader (You probably can't access anything at this point)
*Open the blocked entrance in the empty cave
*Get your 9 lives
*Go to FireClan, defeat Firestar, and name the new FireClan leader
*Appoint a deputy
*Hold Clan meetings
*Retire at the farm at at least day 20 (after *someone* dies)

Thank you @holycoding for helping me color some things when my fingers hurt