Australian Beauty

Published 2020-04-04
Be sure to check out my latest platformer ( and first ever polyart (!!!

What I wrote in the Notes and Credits on the day that this was featured. It was an amazing day:
OMG OMG OMG I WAKE UP WITH 1016 MESSAGES!!! FEATURED???????????? THIS IS CRAZY I NEVER THOUGHT THAT THIS WOULD BE FEATURED AT ALL... MY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL HOLIDAYS AND I WAKE UP TO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who proposed this??? I will forever be eternally grateful to you!!!
This is like a dream come true...

1000 Hearts 28th April 2020!!!
700 Stars 21st April 2020!!!
900 Hearts 15th April 2020!!!
600 Stars 14th April 2020!!!
800 Hearts 13th April 2020!!!
500 Stars 12th April 2020!!! (Happy Easter!)
700 Hearts 11th April 2020!!!
5000 Views 11th April 2020!!!
300 Stars 10th April 2020!!!
Featured 10th April 2020!!!

I will try and get all the 'famous' people's names here but I don't know a lot of famous scratchers so sorry if I miss yours! (and you have loads of followers)

Loved and Stared by @ceebee*!!!
Loved by @Leilani!!!
Loved by @noodlebot743!!!
Loved by @ivypool2!!!
Loved and Stared by @-LilWolfy-

Real notes and credits :p

Thanks to Google for a bunch of the images I traced and got ideas from. I would lost their links but there are so many it's hard to keep track of them!!!

Thanks to @-LilWolfy- for her project on how to make a parallax.

Thanks to @EE1000 for helping me with Uluru and the Great Barrier Reef.

Thanks to @cardinalgirls101 for some of the falling snow script

Thanks to @SkyProductions for the music

And thanks to scratch, of course, for making this amazing website!

Got idea's for what to add next? I want to know! Please tell me in comments!!!

If you like my art, then a heart and a star would be appreciated. Please support me and tell me if I should keep doing this kind of thing!!!

Okay, first I want to thank you for reading down this far. Secondly, your about to know what this project is really about, so read carefully.

Always remember that even in tough times like now (Covid-19) nature is there. It is still beautiful, and so are you. Don't let this virus get you down. Let it make you stronger. And if your ever in need of a friend, a comfort during these hard times, then nature is always there. Remember that.

19/5/20 - Fixed the "when you press number 5..." glitch
12/4/20 - Added Music
5/4/20 - Added Snowy Mountains Scene
4/4/20 - Fixed Great Barrier Reef

To do:
*Fix Turtle Pic on Thumbnail - DONE
*Make mobile friendly

Read these random tags:

#Now #you #have #finally #got #to #the #hashtags #oh #no #here #they #come #why #are #you #reading #this #at #all #well #then #i #guess #that #you #are #like #me #because #you #read #all #the #hashtags #which #is #a #good #thing #because #i #am #awesome #haha #im #not #very #modest #am #i #okay #i #normally #am #but #because #you #are #reading #these #then #do #i #really #have #to #be #who #knows #my #hands #are #hurting #from #doing #all #these #hashtags #I #will #probably #add #more #later #and #i #am #meant #to #be #doing #maths #right #now #so #yeah #i #will #probably #add #more #later #okay #hey #if #you #have #read #all #these #then #post #I #love #cockatoos #in #the #comments #yay #lets #see #how #many #people #will #read #this #good #luck #why #am #i #wishing #you #good #luck #who #knows #okay #I #really #should #go #now #so #byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Here are the not so random tags:

#art #australia #beauty #beautiful #australian #landscapes #ImmiSakura #ImmiSakuraFans #GreatBarrierReef #BlueMountains #SnowyMountains #Uluru #Featured #2020 #CoronavirusArt #Coronavirus #COVID19

What is your favourite scene?