My Scratch Career UNFINISHED

Published 2020-08-02
Story behind the project:

Basically after being in a call with @Magnileve and @ArcanisHD on an external media software, I was sorta motivated to return to Scratch, I started a weekly ScratchCiv series on @TheMaxPants and began production on this project, that is, until TAG VII opened.

TAG is one of the most important parts in my animation career, you would know this if I finished the project, but I digress. I joined TAG IV back in 2017 and it's what made me aware of people such as @ArcanisHD, or @Splow, or @-Rocket- and I doubt without it, I wouldn't be an animator today, so I wanted to join it to show how far I've come, and I did:
Thankfully that is my favorite animation, but I noticed I was getting some attention from it, so I kept making more stuff, and in just over a week I returned into the Scratch Mainstream with Youtubers are so helpful, which is probably how you know me :P

Anyways, now this project is sorta obsolete, it was always intended to be my great return project, yet I sorta already did that, and it has an outdated oc + audio (seriously puberty hit me like a truck since then I sound so different now) and honestly I don't feel motivated to make that animation anymore :P

I may make a similar animation to this for my 4 year anniversary (October 31st) but until then enjoy this, it's still decently long :P, however I know that I'm going to get bombarded with confused comments, it's pretty much inevitable.

Cya soon with either:
Lose It - 16/17
Microsongs - 16
Invisible Antics - Dream Animated

Whichever comes first :P

Also, I can't really animate until I get back from vacation on Tuesday so now is a great time to give you this to chew on tbh :D

Youtube Channel if you want to sub: