Beautiful Photos: A year of nature photography

Published 2015-01-29
1/30/2015 at 2:38 pm - Featured!! Thanks so much!!
Turn your speakers up! These are the best nature photos I took over the last year. Any questions? Just ask! Best viewed small. Love and favorite! P. S. If you want to use one of my photos, just let me know and be sure to credit me! Let me know your favorite in the comments! Whats in the photos:
#1 Great Blue Heron
#2 Five-lined Skink
#3 Eastern Swallowtail
#4 Eastern Phoebe
#5 Carolina Wren
#6 Eastern Box Turtle
#7 Ruby-crowned Kinglet (I won a prize for that one)
#8 Red-tailed Hawk (or Juvenile Coopers Hawk) eating meat (this occurred on our fence)
#9 Downy Woodpecker (His name is Jupiter - get it? He is in #27 too)
#10 Red-bellied Woodpecker
#11 Ring-billed Gull
#12 Black-crowned Night-heron (Seen in the wild at National Zoo)
#13 Red-necked Grebe
#14 Type of Flower
#15 White-eyed Vireo
#16 American Redstart
#17 Scarlet Tanager
#18 Black-throated Green Warbler
#19 Chestnut-sided Warbler
#20 Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
#21 Monarch Butterfly
#22 Amaryllis Flower
#23 Lotus Flower
#24 Green Heron
#25 Mute Swan
#26 Morning Glories
#27 Downy Woodpecker and Cat
#28 Great Blue Heron (same heron as #1)
#29 Carolina Wren
#30 Squirrel on Windowsill (tried to get on my feeder)
#31 Northern Parula
#32 Common Yellowthroat
#33 Jack-in-the-Pulpit Plant
#34 Black-throated Blue Warbler
#35 Baby Box Turtle in Hand (I was taking it off the road)
#36 Broad-headed Skink and Five-lined Skink
#37 Mayflower Plant
#38 Barn Swallow collecting nest fibers
#39 Cherry Blossom Tree (A DC Cherry Blossom)
#40 Osprey in Nest peering at our boat (There was trash in the nest)
#41 Squash Flower
#42 Barn Swallow in nest (seen in same park as #24)
#43 Bee on thistle
#44 Eastern Skipper
#45 Swarm of Chimney Swifts flying (The birds did live in a Chimney)
#46 Large Spider (or a Harvestman)