❆ 2021 Bujo Setup ❆

Published 2020-12-25
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➸ Hello! Here is my 2021 bullet journal setup :) I had a lot of fun setting this up and I'm hoping 2021 is better for all of us!
➸ I will also be taking a short 2-3 week break because I want to spend some time on my new PoP shop and other things I'm working on. I'll be back soon!
➸ How to start a bujo- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/423389724
❦ p r e v i o u s  p r o j e c t
➸ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/465667553
❦ n e x t  p r o j e c t
➸ n/a
❦ c r e d i t s
➸ thumbnail- @Silver_Art13
➸ music- Rose Lips- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95S8qrwut6Q
➸ codes- @Silver_Art13
➸ tags- #bulletjournal #bujo #2021bulletjournalsetup #bujosetup #2021 #2021bujo #2021bulletjournal