Year In Review

Published 2021-12-17
December 31st 2020 --- timestamp
Hey Guys, 2020 is almost over ha. Been a decent year, so here is the year in review for me ig.

Chapter 0: Begining

Jan - Mar 2020: Before the pandemic, i went to school and had a good social life in sports and education.

Feb 11th 2020: Made account @Memeophobia to use for a school class assignment on scratch.

March 13th 2020: Covid hits and is announced as a major pandemic

March 24th 2020: Day i came back to scratch really used @Memeophobia and met a few friends like @HeHe169 (sub to him on yt)

April 8th: Made a remaster of my first game on @Memeophobia based on one i made on @Wumboy it was bad


April 10th: Decided to move on to a new account to rebrand myself, and made my first animation. a day later. Met @Unfamous @Zachs23 and @PhantomNinja500 and @ScaIes. Props to all of them

April 13th - April 17th: Made a few low budget map parts and animations, all mostly unshared

April 18th: Joined trend friends after @Frostwings invited me. Met @MintToasterLemon, @Purplebeanie, @Sunarcher, @Tssr_kjew and @Azzz09990 because of it.

April 20th: Got 100! @IAmHutch was my 100th

April 27th: Made "The Epic Animators"

April 28th: Made "Basically Famous Scratchers". Got top loved and #2 page trending

April 30th: OC change due to 200. Added hair and shoes

May 10th: Released "Basically Minecraft Vids" Which got 3k loves and #16 trending. Reached 500

May 11th: made the taco heist with @McFinAnimations690

May 16th: Collabed with @PaddlerGames to make "Basically Coughing Nowdays" Which got #14 trending and gave both of us 1k.

May 20th/21st: Got 1k! @JustEnderBoi was my 1,000th

May 21st: Entered in AA2, with my project "Beefaroni". got in 8th for round 2, Met @Rae-TV (project partner), @BurntPotatoArts, and @CyberNetick. Follow them all!

May 27th: Did a collab with @Meekaryo that took 7 days to make together and ended up being BOTH of our most popular animations lmao.

June 2nd: My Birthday! Got many birthday wishes and art :)

June 5th: Made "Hit Vibes AMV" a animation that someone scratch team reviewed it once, put it back up Got mass reported again, and THEY STILL HAVEN'T REVIEWED IT!!!

June 14th - made a few more projects, none that are really noteworthy and are equally bad ("Homework" "Height")

June 21st - Made broken door, one of my best animations and longest one. Being 1min 33secs.

June 28th: Released my Final Major animation, "Using your phone at night" Which i reshared and i regret doing that and i wish that never happened i-


July: Started hating the site and began questioning my scratch statement, Questioning if i should leave many times over the month (I didn't leave till later though because)

July 4th 2020: Decided to drop out of AA2 and not submit anything because of my decreasing Motivation and persue of continueing. Made "A few scratch problems" and i- (please make that project burn i was such a hypocrite making it like that lol)

July 6th/7th - Got into some Drama about my fame hungry ways, and i actually thought at the time That i LIKED being fame hungry (This makes me face palm so hard now when i always remember this of how greedy i was)

July 10 - 13th: Made 2 Map Parts, one for @UnstrippedZebra and another for @cs2747662. Cs's, which was released July 13th was actually the final animation i've made on the site.

July 17th: Joined ScratchCiv (Oh yeaaaaaaaahhh) and Met @Cubby009 and Tazzl and joined zania but thats enough for another story

July 25th: Ended the drama after a constant 2 weeks of argueing and hate. Made a leaving project but then returned in 5 days.

August 10th: Came back after being inactive for a while, made "Motivation Simulator 2020", my final project before i made my goodbye project.

August 17th: School Started. Became way less active.

CHAPTER 3: The depart

August 28th: Left ScratchCiv due to drama going on with a man named OMADude and wars going on (i was not involved with that).

September 4th: Started going under the allias Xertale due to it resembleing a new era of me of someone who evolved. Rename my old accounts to Xertale also on other sites.

Nothing really happened in September or Early October

October 10th: Made a long essay why scratch has been crumbling and why it is that way.

October 11th: The Day

I left scratch on October 11th to move on, due to being not interested in the site much anymore and the community's way. Credited everyone who was good friends to me.

November - December:
Made a few filler projects, all unshared now though. Only active to hang out with friends and support others.

Now, let a new era begin with 2021, let's see what comes in store...

We'll See.

Xertale/Scott - 12/31/20

Credit to Everyone i mentioned :)