The Enexpected - A Platformer

Published 2021-06-24
@PianoApprentice for platformer code
How is this getting views ??
pls do not report it because now it actually is a game, it is no more a troll
this project got unshared by scratch team so i updated it with a real platofrmer
for the people who are angry or sad -
@Ufhire for art
no sounds
me for codes
@SharkyShar for the stop button and mouse trail code
I am smort
30-5-21 : Changed 1 or 2 codes and shared with 4 views and commented to get it into the studio.
31-5-21 : It got into the studio but still not into the main page of the studio and got 50 views like 40 views overnight.
1-6-21 : it somehow is advertising for my other projects !!
2-6-21 : Made the mouse better.
7-6-21 : Got unshared by scratch team.
25-6-21 : Got reshared after 2 weeks and 4 days.
29-6-21 : Upated with a timer ( really hard code ). Crossed 3k views.
30-6-21 : Crossed 3.1k views. Added blank sprite to make it work faster.