Paper Minecraft Data Mod v1.8.10 (Archived)

Published 2022-03-15
My PMCDM version 1.8.10

V V things this mod adds/changes V V
you can scroll with your mouse to switch hotbar slots

you can use /hotbar to toggle hotbar scrolling

it adds hardcore mode (but it is a little bit buggy)

you can press I to open debug screen

it adds more data to the debug screen

it adds splash texts

there is a 1 in 10000 chance for it to say Minceraft

it adds a you died screen

it adds a in game options menu

it updates the main menu

you can press J to toggle Xray if you are in creative

V V Bugs that this mod fixes V V

it fixes the 16 and 18 stack sizes being the wrong way around

now you will die in the void even in creative mode if you go to y -16 or below

it fixes the instantly breaking blocks bug

you can no longer use the /weather command if the world is locked

Do you know of any other bugs?
Let me know in the comments

version history I I
v0.1 to v0.5 added I to toggle debug screen, K to play music and scrolling to switch hotbar slots

v0.6 added more music options

v0.7 added the you died screen

v0.8 added pause menu & J to toggle xray in creative

v0.9 added /hotbar

v1.0 updated the home screen & commands screen

v1.1 added splash texts and minceraft

v1.2 added more splash texts and music

v1.2.10 splash text bug fixed and hardcore framework added

v1.3 added hardcore mode and updated the you died screen

v1.3.5 updated the menu screen

v1.4 moved the music to a new project and updated the debug screen

v1.4.3 changed the world loading screen to look more like it does in java edition and also updated the debug screen

v1.4.5 updated the world loading screen and added more splash texts

v1.4.6 fixed a bug removed the java world loading screen and accidentally broke the game :(

v1.4.8 fixed the game :) and made it so you can die in the void (instead of just falling forever)

v1.4.9 deleted some random code to make more space

v1.5 basically nothing

v1.6 you can now spectate your worlds when you die in hardcore mode and you can now hold space when clicking the change gamemode button to quickly switch between survival and creative

v1.7 updated the in game buttons, tweaked the debug screen, added a in game version number and fixed the instantly breaking blocks glitch (although it was fun to use)

v1.7.8 added more options to the world creation screen and you no longer die in the void in spectator mode

v1.8 updated the world creation screen and the debug screen, you can now toggle hotbar scrolling by pressing K or from the world creation screen, and there is now a button in the options menu for if you want a screenshot
(does not automatically take one though)

v1.8.10 added lots of new splash texts and bug fix

Do you have an update idea?
leave a comment and let me know what it is :)

credits I I
Thanks to @griffpatch for the original project.

Thanks to @grapples189 for the project minimizer

Thanks to @Parnapple for the idea for the coordinates in the debug screen and thanks to @Pizzaprisoner1508 for figuring out how to do it

Thanks to @Mariofan7000 for the idea of the you died screen

Thanks to @bctorangejuice for the idea of spectator mode when you die in hardcore

Thanks to @MINECRAFT_GOD11 for the idea of the /hotbar command

Thanks to @PITSCNOA000 for inspiration for the java loading screen, although it was removed

Thanks to everyone who liked and favorited this project it means a lot

hashtags I I
#paperminecraft #paperminecraftmod #minecraftmod #minecraft #whyareyoureadingmyhashtags #EiscoolE
#hardcore #minecrafthardcore paper minecraft java paper minecraft mod paper minecraft hardcore mod paper minecraft opitfine

Nothing I I

there is literally nothing here