Flappy Bird ver 2

Published 2023-03-22
I know it says I remixed this project, but it was actually a collaboration between me and the user above.

J. Ashby 2023, MasterPlan Games

From the version we made together (link above as Flappy Bird - MKnapper2022), I have added:


-Coloured pipes (press Down Arrow to toggle on/off)
-Underwater backdrop
-Ported Square Bird costume
-Made it so that you revert costume from the 'U Dead' to the costume you were previously on, when you click the flag to start another game - instead of randomisation.
-Improved various backdrops slightly
-Photo Mode (E key)


-Fixed dying in photo mode, you're welcome.
-Made variables Obst. Gap, Obst. Speed & Jump Height appear in the dead menu, not whilst playing.
-Added Respawn without Flag - just wait until all the pipes have gone after you've died (or press the up arrow to skip) and then press the up arrow (possibly again) to respawn and the pipes will keep coming!
-New backdrops and some backdrop edits (the sea one)

Challenge from one of the creators: See how far you can get on variable settings 1, 10, 5, no skewed pipes!