Spectrum: A Platform Game About Gender

Published 2015-12-05
Please read before playing!

Hi everyone, sorry for the recent inactivity! Here's a game I made about two months ago for school assignment, which was to make an art piece about a social or environmental issue.

This game IS NOT complete! There WILL be glitches (the last level is incomplete) and you cannot beat the game because I haven't programmed that in yet.

(Quote from wikipedia to explain what the Fat Cats are): Fat cat is a political term originally describing a rich political donor, also called an angel or big money man. The New York Times has described fat cats as symbols of "a deeply corrupt campaign finance system riddled with loopholes". Basically I mean rich white dudes.

I hope you learn a little something from this game!

Unfortunately I can't remember which project I got my wall detection script from (I think it was this one: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/25387054/ ) but if you recognize it leave me a link below so I can give proper credit!

All other programming is by me and all art was done by me in Photoshop (:

The song is from Kirby's Adventure for NES and the sound effects are from free online sources