ranking Platformer

Published 2023-08-11
online battle game
This platformer is ranked and it is very hard !
ーーーーーーーーーHow to playーーーーーーーーーーー
[⬆️ key, tap]: Jump
[➡️ key, tap]: Move right
[⬅️ key, tap]: Move left
Your rank will be displayed in the bottom left when you reach the goal.
ーーーーーーーConfirmation [Difficulty] ーーーーーーーー
Difficulty = number of stars
・Difficulty level 0: Nothing. just move on
・Difficulty level 1: Some obstacles
・Difficulty level 2: Some technique required
・Difficulty level 3: Complex stages and obstacles
・Difficulty level 4: Lots of obstacles, moderate technique required
・Difficulty level 5: Complex stages, many obstacles, advanced techniques required
ーーーーーーConfirmation guideline [Rank]ーーーーーー
・E: not good at platformers.
・ D: Can play some platformers
・ C: Accustomed to platformers
・B: Familiar with platformers
・ A: You can use advanced techniques by placing it on the platformer
・S: You can put it on a platformer and use advanced techniques
・Z: Can use advanced techniques on platformers, has a high success rate, and can move faster