Драма Русалочки. Александра Трусова, Евгений Семененко, Софья Муравьева в шоу Евгения Плющенко

Published 2024-06-30
Prince Adrian hears a magical voice. He forgets Ulu and falls in love with Undine. The Little Mermaid's heart is broken. She sees a magic shell with her voice and realizes that the Prince has been deceived. Ula decides to thwart Undine's insidious plans. Reveling in her victory, Undine drops the enchanted shell and the spell is broken.
The cast includes Russian champion Evgeni Semenenko, Russian vice-champion Sofia Muravieva and Olympic vice-champion Alexandra Trusova.
Evgeni Plushenko's show "The Little Mermaid". Moscow, January 2024.

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