ALL 79 Vision Stories (Overly Simplified)

Published 2024-02-09
Chapters in the description
Visions are a key part of Genshin's world and I read all of the vision stories so you don't have to.

Credit to: childhood9643
0:00 Intro
0:17 Albedo
0:24 Alhaitham
0:29 Amber
0:47 Itto
0:54 Baizhu
1:21 Barbara
1:34 Beidou
1:56 Bennett
2:10 Candace
2:25 Charlotte
2:34 Chevreuse
2:45 Chongyun
3:00 Collei
3:09 Cyno
3:14 Dehya
3:30 Diluc
3:40 Diona
3:49 Dori
4:07 Eula
4:14 Faruzan
4:19 Fischl
4:22 Freminet
4:33 Furina
4:40 GaMing
4:50 Ganyu
5:01 Gorou
5:11 Hu Tao
5:28 Jean
5:38 Kazuha
5:48 Kaeya
6:02 Ayaka
6:09 Ayato
6:24 Kaveh
6:53 Keqing
7:15 Kirara
7:32 Klee
7:36 Kujou Sara
7:58 Kuki Shinobu
8:08 Layla
8:16 Lisa
8:27 Lyney and Lynette
9:16 Mika
9:28 Mona
9:42 Nahida and her Gnosis
9:50 Navia
10:10 Neuvillette and him giving Visions
10:15 Nilou
10:19 Ningguang
10:30 Noelle
10:39 Qiqi
10:50 Ei and her Gnosis
11:00 Razor
11:09 Rosaria
11:19 Kokomi
11:26 Sayu
11:33 Shenhe
11:43 Heizou
11:56 Sucrose
12:04 Childe
12:19 Thoma
12:29 Tighnari
12:45 Traveler and their inability to gain one
13:00 Venti and his gnosis and fake vision
13:07 Wanderer
13:11 Wriothesley
13:20 Xiangling
13:27 Xianyun/Cloud Retainer
13:47 Xiao
13:58 Xingqiu
14:18 Xinyan
14:30 Yae Miko
14:39 Yanfei
14:54 Yao Yao
15:00 Yelan
15:17 Yoimiya
15:30 Yun Jin
15:48 Zhongli and his contract about his Gnosis for the Cryo Archon

All Comments (21)
  • @caffeinegg
    BIG CORRECTION BELOW I want to apologize because I screwed up on Heizou’s story. When I was simplifying the vision stories, I over-corrected and it lost the emotional core of the story. This is the long and more detailed version. While at a festival, Heizou met a young boy who was the son of a wealthy merchant family and would gift Heizou with books from sumeru and toys from Fontaine. However as they got older, Heizou would notice that the friend’s clothes were always ragged and they decided to have an honest conversation. The reality was Heizou’s friend was a thief and they only met at that festival because the friend tried to steal from Heizou. While the friend tried to laugh it off, Heizou was furious and ended his friendship with the boy. Heizou then threw away all of the gifts that the boy gave him. The last gift was one of two small green pebbles that they fished out together, which was the only honest gift. Heizou tried to throw it away but it bounced off a window and under his bed. A year later Heizou went to the festival where he first met his friend with the green pebble. Fate brought them together when he found his friend bleeding out. The friend had come to the festival and got into a fight with someone that tried to steal the friend’s purse. Heizou tried to save the friend but it was too late. The friend opened his purse and revealed that the only thing inside was the other green pebble. The friend’s last words were “I…came to see you too”. Heizou had felt rage at something that had corrupted his friendship and loomed over the world. This corruption was sin and Heizou’s purpose was to combat this sin. Heizou now carries a green stone that represents his resolve, but instead of an ordinary pebble, it’s a vision. I honestly didn’t expect so many people to click on this video, so I treated this as more of an experiment. In the future, I’m going to make a more detailed explanation of vision stories and I’ll keep improving the quality of my content.
  • @_linda4
    it is so fun that bennet had to almost DIE to receive a vision while alhaitham was just READING A BOOK lmao
  • @apexblue895
    Sooo Tighnari and Layla had their Visions by "☝️🤓"
  • @NIkolla13
    XIngqiu's clan: "Bro, I think you got some hidden talent, please keep it hidden"
  • Itto's is, of course, the best. He just woke up and had it. Bro literally slept his way to victory.
  • @HorsePlays222
    University lecturers can be so arrogant that I'm starting to believe Layla's vision story is more hardcore than Beidou's
  • @THEO00900
    Step 1: Sit under a tree. Step 2: Sleep Step 3: Profit Step 4 Have bugs fight
  • @Cr0mewatch
    Bro the gods were even simping for Lisa
  • Honestly, the fact that Lyney asked for a delusion just so that he could go on missions with his sister, probably while even at least being aware of the consequences of using one, is kind of sad.
  • Idk about least fave, but I like how Furina was supposed to use a prop vision, but instead got a real vision.
  • @DennysArrow
    Everyone may hate qiqi because they lost to her in a 50/60, but you cant tell me she doesn't have one of the saddest vision stories in the whole game.
  • @hurricaneb6243
    When your suffering is so interesting that Celestia decides to give a sub
  • @Toast39303
    My favorite story gotta be Tighnari's, he basically just pulled an "um actually 🤓" and boom, a vision
  • @taccos8267
    My favourite fact about Yoimiya is that she spent weeks using her vision as a flint and then tossed it aside, thankfully her father found it and nearly shit himself because girl that’s a vision???
  • Unironically the biggest takeaway from this was Dori's motivation for what she does, shame she's essentially a side/joke character
  • @epiphany2202
    so, from what I've seen, this is a basic rundown of what each vision is MOSTLY given to Anemo: Given to those that want to be free from something or wish to make piece with their life, such as Jean wanting to be free from the pressure of the Fatui/Abyss Order and fulfill her duties, Kazuha making peace with his life as a wanderer, Heizou wanting to be free some the sins of the world by combatting them, Wanderer wanting to be free from his past Geo: Given to those who are hard-working, such as Gorou wanting to help his allies improve, Albedo wanting to use his vision to help him in alchemy, Noelle continuing to work to become a knight Electro: Given to those who want to prove their own strength, like Beidou slaying the monster at sea , Dori trying to get mora for her bedridden sister's medications, Razor wanting to get revenge Dendro: Given to those who seek something. Like Alhaitham seeking knowledge, Baizhu seeking immortality, and Collei seeking out the young girl who got lost, Kaveh seeking to build the palace by even selling his childhood home Hydro: Given to those who wish to help/protect others, like Barbara helping the young boy and Candace wanting to protect the village, Ayato protecting his family, Kokomi wanting to protect Watasumi Island Pyro: Given to those who are passionate about something, like Bennett not giving up even after being injured, Amber being passionate about gliding/finding her dad, Diluc being passionate about making his father proud and protecting Mondstadt, Lyney wanting to become stronger so he can go on missions with Lynette, Xiangling's cooking passion Cryo: Given to those who want to prove themselves, such as Chongyun wanting to prove he's a good exorcist, Charlotte wanting to prove herself a trusty reporter with evidence, Eula wanting to find her own path and show she's more than what her family made her out to be, Ayaka wanting to prove herself a goods swordsman, Shenhe slaying the best that her father tried to sacrifice her to
  • @TheCsel
    I like Collei's. When we meet her in game shes pretty sick and a bit meek because she's recovering from trauma and trying to live a normal life. But from her story lines and manga, she was a pretty feral and stuck in survivor mode. When she got her vision she defended the child from monsters all night, and didn't have to use the evil sealed god remains within her.
  • Nobody bloody believed me when I said Navia got her vision from a game of D&D (like it just... spawned next to a freaking d20 or something) They genuinely thought I was BSing 😭
  • @0w0taku87
    Other characters: Tragic, near death stories Itto: I sleep
  • @TheCsel
    A few NPCs also have Visions too. Due to so many in Inazuma confiscated and in the archon quest we can assume visions are fairly common elsewhere. We can make some guesses on how they got Visions for a few in Inazuma based on their ambitions, but Rana in Sumeru is the only one we really know how they got a Vision.