Darth Maul & Savage Opress VS Darth Sidious

Published 2013-02-03
Duel from The Clone Wars S05E16.

All Comments (21)
  • "where's the chancellor?" "he's on a diplomatic mission to mandalore."
  • @ygolight392
    “There is no mercy.” This line alone summarizes Darth Sidious as a whole.
  • @kurnganrio
    The fact that Maul used Soresu, the most defensive duelling style, in the beginning of this fight shows how utterly terrified he is of his former master
  • @alchemy5750
    For Maul and Savage, this was the most brutal and close-to-death battle in their lives, a test of survival, when no matter how powerful of a duo they become, even Maul is visibly fearful knowing the abilities of their enemy as soon as he enters the room. For Palpatine, this was a Tuesday night
  • @rohandatta1792
    Give credit to Darth Maul, he just fought the whole Senate
  • @sipioc
    When you and your brother were doing something you shouldn’t and Dad comes home.
  • @TheKnifeRaven
    I'm fairly certain this has been said before...but the fact that Sidious can conceal his presence at will, yet chooses to let his guard down here, just goes to show how much he wanted to scare Maul before he even arrived. Dedication.
  • @troletrain
    Sidious was savage to oppress Maul like that.
  • @nyle5280
    The fact that the hood didn’t move or fall is another skill on its own.
  • That guy's chin be lookin similar to the chancellor lmao imagine if he was a sith lord
  • I love the little exchange starting at 2:50. Sidius jumps over him causally “dodge, dodge” then activates his lightsabers in a relaxed manner. It’s not even a battle ready stance either. He just treats it like a little dance rehearsal, “yup, 1, 2, 3, and 1, 2, 3.” 😂
  • I like how Savage manages to legitimately land a hit at 2:18 despite being completely outclassed by Sidious.
  • I love how Palpatine took a break from his day job to go across the galaxy to school his old apprentice
  • @J-Rod-tv4pf
    "You have been replaced!" I like to think he's not even talking about Dooku
  • @complex2live
    One detail at the end not many people realize is the one thing Maul says once the fight is over. "Please have Mercy." You may be thinking, well of course because he doesn’t want to die to his master, but we see throughout that Maul will stay for a battle until one opponent is killed. Whether it be him or his rival. He has shown that he is willing to take a warrior's death (just like in rebels), and even with his Dathomirian origin it makes sense. So this scene shows exactly how scary Sidious is, even to Maul. The fact that Maul, despite being willing to have a warrior's death, he asks for mercy from Sidious. When even an evil, determined and beligerent foe like Maul asks for Mercy from Sidious, that is how you know what true terror is.
  • @zipflik7887
    I love how dominant Sidious is the whole battle. The only time when any semblance of a balanced conflict goes on is right after Savage dies. At that moment Maul proves that he is truly the one with the greatest ability to use what the sith philosophy teaches. He is the one who truly follows the sith code, the passion and hate gives power thing. But ultimately Palpatine is simply too good. He is the culmination of a thousand year plot, and a thousand years of linear improvement of the dark lords of the sith, beginning with Bane.
  • @Jacob60Mr
    “You have become a rival” To be considered as a rival by Sidious, I think that’s actually a pretty good compliment.
  • @malisungur
    Savage must've been really confused at first, seeing his really powerful brother kneeling before a skinny old man lol
  • @Howlingburd19
    I like how Palpatine’s blades emits deeper humming sounds, it’s a small detail that really fits his evil personality :)
  • I would be lying if I said I wasn't smiling with Sidious in this fight. He's so confident in this battle, he knows he's going to win. He constantly turns his lightsaber off and laughs in their face while literally toying with them. One of my favourite duels from the Clone Wars.