Final Doom: Plutonia [Map28] UVMax in 4:40

Published 2024-02-12
Not my cleanest nor highest effort run, but I can't be snobby about 11 seconds of timesave on an IWAD max :p

Used a different route to ZeroMaster that saves ~15 seconds, if done optimally. I believe if you were to linedef skip at the blue key fight you might save a few more seconds from having better cleanup, but I didn't try this strat much.

Pretty fun run honestly, the route was enjoyable but the level is unfortunately let down by a bad monster closet, leading to very slow teleports that can and will ruin runs. (I even once had the enemies get completely stuck and never teleport in!)

Enjoyment: 6/10
Attempts: 76

Shameless advertisement, but I do a lot of these maxes on stream, and i'd appreciate it a lot of you wanted to check that out!

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