Nozomi 700 Shinkansen Flyby

Published 2011-01-24
There are three levels of Shinkansen between Tokyo and Osaka. From fastest to slowest: Nozomi, Hikari, and Kodama. When you use the Japan Rail Pass on the Tokaido line you cannot take the Nozomi.

In this case we were taking the Hikari Express. Since all three of the trains use the same rails, the faster trains pass the slower ones. Note that the only real reason the Hikari and Kodama are slower is because they make more stops.

For a bit of fun I made my way to the end of the train to get some video. Here is what I put together. Enjoy!

All Comments (8)
  • @spotpkt
    This was on our third of I hope many trips to Japan... Such a nice culture. nuorangejapan - You do risk having your pass revoked if you get on one of the Nozomi's. The difference between the Nozomi and the Hikari Super Express time wise is just about 30 minutes. To me, not worth taking the chance. Plus you don't get to stand on the platform and watch the Nozomi go blasting by :p Thanks for the comments!
  • @seanmisen
    Nice shot. As a train nerd, I should point out that the Nozomi service using the N700 railsets is faster because of a 1 degree tilt that the train is able to do, which allows it to maintain top speed around curves, which have smaller radii on the older Tokaido shinkansen line. The engines are also able to accelerate the train faster than previous models such as the 500 and 700, which allows it to shave 5 minutes off the Tokyo-Osaka trip even when ignoring the fact that the service has fewer stops.
  • @spotpkt
    Unfortunately they have to slow down for the stations. Even the mid tier trains when in the open countryside are in the 200's. There are some good videos of the maglev train in testing on youtube doing about 400 mph. They have not started running it in the public domain yet, but it is in the works.
  • @strongtheory
    @AdmiralArcher Yes. Much faster. Their 600-700 series hit around 270-320 mph but only when they literally have to travel all the way across Japan. The distance from Tokyo to Kyoto is to short for that speed. And then there's their JR maglev train which almost hits 400 mph in its prime.
  • @willie92441
    Imgine if Amtrak had more high speed ,electric trains like this ? Chicago, to New York City in 6 Hours. what a shame in this nation. And this nation had perfected the railroads years ago, ahead of Japan, France or China.