Carl Jung, Synchronicity and the Hidden Truth of Reality

Published 2023-01-04
There’s no feeling like being involved in a compelling synchronicity. It’s as if something orchestrated a meaningful glitch in the matrix just for you. But why? What is synchronicity? What does it tell us about the nature of reality? Why is it especially important in our time?
In this wonder dip, we’ll dive into those questions and more through the lens of the philosophy of the man who coined the term, Psychiatrist and philosopher, Carl Jung.

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00:00 Introduction
01:25 Jung's remarkable synchronicity
03:04 The deeper questions
04:25 defining synchronicity
04:58 The paranormal iceberg
05:59 Why Jung believed synchronicity and the paranormal were important
07:55 Two important dreams that changed Jung's personal philosophy
10:54 Unus Mundus The secret connecting principle
14:30 Why we need to reconnect with the great mystery

All Comments (21)
  • @cristinai4645
    What I noticed about synchronicities is that feeling you get when you notice them. They make you feel connected to the Universe, it breaks appart that illusion that you are in a bubble and the world is happening outside it and most of the times this feeling makes you feel depressed and miserable. But when you encounter these small signs, you feel connected, you don t feel alientated anymore, everything is both inside and outside your being.
  • Synchronicities have been multiplying for me at such a rapid rate, especially recently, it is very tempting to suspect that it means something, although I have no idea what.
  • @cashglobe
    My favorite synchronicity, although pretty inconsequential, was my friend mentioning the Wu Tang Clan at the gym for no reason, and then 2 minutes later walking into the locker room and a Wu Tang Clan song starts playing, then like 10 seconds later a kid walks in with a Wu Tang Clan t-shirt on 🤣
  • @yuriination
    Synchronicities happen to me relatively often. One of my favorite ones was when I saw a green water pitcher at the florist i worked for. Its a specific, kind of muted, green which was the favorite color of a friend of mine. So I bought it and sent it to her without telling her. It just so happened that, on the day the package arrived on her porch, she was literally out on a hunt for a green water pitcher at the local thrift stores all day! Imagine her complete amazement when she opened the package to find what i sent to her was EXACTLY what she was looking for! From her perspective, what she wanted practically materialized on its own. Oh, she lives like, 15 hours or so away from me, in another state, too. That's one of my favorite stories of weird things that have happened with/for/to me. 😊
  • @brggz
    When my mom was pregnant with my brother and near her due date she woke up a couple times in the middle of the night at 3:33 am. He was then born at 3:33 am. Because of this I've been tuned to see 333 absolutely everywhere. Not just in typical ways but waking up at 3:33 myself numerous times and even predicting seeing it. When my mom passed away, I saw it 10+ times a day for about a week. I'm sure this sounds nuts to most people but it always reminds me that there's a lot more than what meets the eye.
  • @davecros4887
    I had a profound psychic experience almost 14 years ago. I was eating dinner at a far away restaurant and was getting very negative vibes off of a man sitting at a table near me. The vibes were so strong that I felt compelled to mention it to my wife as we drove home that night. About 2 months later, I drove to a cute town with my wife and baby to shop and get some ice cream. I bought my cone and walked out into the green where there were some chairs and one woman was sitting by herself. Suddenly, a very strong feeling came over me. It was the same feeling the same vibes that I had felt from the man at the restaurant. The feeling hit me so hard that I had to immediately sit down. As my wife walked out I said "This is going to sound really weird but..." I described the feelings that I felt and how I had to sit down because they were so strong. We both felt a little puzzled. After the ice cream we drove down the street about 1/8 mile to one of my favorite plant stores. I walked one way, my wife walked another as we shopped. We met up at the other side of the building where my wife says "guess who I saw". I respond "That guy!" I had seen him too. These were the only two times that I'd ever seen this man in my life. He was with the same woman both times. I had a "knowing" that he was there. I had no idea how I knew, but I knew. I've been searching and meditating and researching this for the last 14 years and now I understand this much better. There is a second consciousness that we are all a part of. This man had some very heavy thoughts. These instances happened about 60 miles from each other. I've not seen nor felt strongly, his presence since that time. While reading this, the impact is minimal to non existent but if you experience that, the powerful wave of emotion followed by seeing the person you sensed, trust me it would change your perspective on the nature of reality. There is a collective consciousness. I've found it again and again through meditation. I haven't found any practical use for this but it's been my fascination for about 14 years now.
  • @Mahrimae
    One of the easiest to tell and flashiest synchronicities I ever experienced took place over almost 20 years.. When in college in the early 90s, I had a Jungian dream counselor who ran dream groups for interested faculty and students and told us a story to illustrate how dreams worked. He said when he was teaching English at a small school for deeply wild kids one of his students had fallen asleep in his class and they watched as he slipped into a rather jerky and violent dream, awakening with a wide eyed gasp. My counselor quickly pounced on him and asked him what he’d been dreaming. The young man told him he’d been on a roller coaster and crested a giant hill only to come rushing down the other side faster and faster to find, of all things, a brick wall. Which is when he woke up. And at that very moment in walked a uniformed police officer to apprehend the dreamer and his friend for stealing cars and going for joy rides. Fast forward to the early 2000s. My husband and I are in a different city in the same state visiting the sister of a friend whose boyfriend has also joined the group for dinner. Afterward we’re drinking wine in the living room when the topic of dreams and weird coincidences (aka synchronicities) comes up and the boyfriend begins to tell the story of being in class in high school and having an intense dream of being on a roller coaster. He described the scene and the thrill of the curves and as he mentions that it rounded a curve and dipped down a rushing hill, I started to feel physically really strange. He gets to the end of the dream, and he and I both say - in unison “… and I (you) ran into a brick wall!” He just looked at me and blinked and everyone looked really confused. I explained that my dream counselor used to use this very dream as an example of how dreams can reflect reality in a breathtakingly non-causal way. I asked him if he had been to that school. He said yes. And suddenly he was very serious and said that he had never gotten to go back before going straight into juvenile detention for a time. He also said then that he’d gotten out and turned his life around - as we could hopefully see - and if I ever saw the counselor again would I tell him he turned out alright? I didn’t think I would ever see him again but I said that I would. And then in the early 2010s I found myself walking through my old college town at the farmer’s market on an unscheduled visit and ran into my counselor for the first time in 20 years. He had retired and married a potter who was selling her wares at the booth where I found him uncharacteristically - he almost never went since it would be hours of sitting in the hot sun and his wife would always do the shopping afterward and come home with the spoils of the day. But he was there that day. So I delivered the message about a boy who turned his life around and wanted him to know. Super satisfying when these stories come full circle.
  • @lynnhall8720
    Once, I awoke speaking these words: The dream is the reality, Reality's the dream. All is as it should be; Nothing's what it seems. I felt that this was a message spoken through me which was important to remember and so, I wrote it down and have never forgotten it.
  • @nowie1111
    Before I met my bf I always said if I had twin girls I would name them Hope and faith 3 yrs later I met a man. I told him about that and he went silent and says I have twin girls one is named Hope and the other faith... my mind blew up... we both started to realize some things between us were almost identical.. even experiences, our photos with same backgrounds and almost same outfits. There was a morning were we both saw the same type of June bugs and right after spiders we both exchanged at that moment... I thought he was making it up. I don't know what to make of this reality but synchronicity has certainly become my fascination. Till now I am obsessed with synchronicity and any topics about reality... I can't even say they are coincidences because it's not... I just don't understand how
  • In 1996, I was struggling to find a good tenant for my rental property after several bad experiences. One day, I remember saying to myself, "God, please help me find the right tenant and let me know who it is." Eventually, I decided on a gentleman and asked him to come by that afternoon to pick up the keys and take possession of the house. When he arrived, he surprised me by bringing a large box of cheese from the factory where he worked as a cheese maker. As I was putting down the box, I noticed the computer-generated price on the label: $49.08. This made me smile because the street address of my rental property was 4908, and the price was determined solely by the weight of the finished round handmade cheese, without any human intervention. To me, this was a clear sign of synchronicity. Everything worked out perfectly, and the tenant turned out to be an excellent fit for the property.
  • A few years ago I started walking a different path. It felt as though I was guided. I began to experience odd coincidences. One day I was reading a passage in a book by Carl Jung, about synchronicities. Something said to me, Go to a certain 2nd hand book store in the local town. I thought maybe I was going to find a book I had been looking for but after a while I realised this wasn’t to be and I went to leave. I overheard a conversation with a guy and the shop assistant and to my absolute amazement , the guy was reciting the passage I had just read in my book.
  • @zinknot
    I remember returning to an old home town after many years and like 5 other old friends where all coming back at the same time. We had a party and reunion that wasn't even planned. And it was the last time we would all be there again. It was very strange.
  • @gypsyjuice
    I experienced a very abrupt awakening about 7 years ago in which the synchronicities were so intense for several months, I could hardly handle being out in public. I actually abruptly quit my corporate job and mostly wandered around in awe for a few months. During this time, I experienced so much of this phenomenon, but most of it would sound like nonsense to others, since as you said, was mostly deeply personally relevant. I do have a favorite one I've been able to repeat: I was in deep confusion about what I was experiencing in regard to all of these overwhelming, multi layered synchronicities one day & there was a song playing on the radio called Stereo by Boombox which the lyrics caught my attention very strongly as if they were talking directly to me, "suddenly all the dreams as you're drifting out at sea start stacking up." I was staring at an empty bottle of Tin Cup whiskey I had saved as a vase on my counter. Then it said, "could it be, the mystery has been hanging out hiding in a whiskey shot," so, I walked over and picked it up to look at the bottom of the bottle. To my surprise, it said "42." I rolled my eyes at first like it was a bad joke from the universe about one of my favorite books (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). Then I remembered a little code I was going by in my head to navigate all the number synchs I was experiencing. My system was simple: I used numbers one through nine like the Enneagram system they tested us with at my corporate job to classify everyone's personality type. The number 4 meant you strive to be unique while the number 2 indicated you strive to be connected to others. Therefore, the mystery of synchronicity was explained to me through a synchronicity as 42: everything is uniquely connected. Awesome video, thank you...subscribed😊
  • @Calicarver
    As a creative professional, a designer, I have multiple times experienced that design ideas can suddenly appear in my mind that I will work on for a while, but ultimately discard as they dont always align with my design intent. Then months later, these very specific ideas can sometimes suddenly appear "in the wild" randomly in a magazine, website, instagram etc. It feels like the other designer looked inside my head and stole my idea! I am talking about very specific ideas, original ideas. I have spoken to other designers about this and most of them has had the same experience. This isn't uncommon, it is a well known phenomena. The way I explain it is there is a cosmic "radio" out there and it is up to us to pick up the ideas it broadcasts and interpret them, use them. I will also mention that this usually happens during very focused work when youre in the flow state, but sometimes also suddenly like a camera flash during other activities like taking a shower or falling asleep.
  • @summers41
    For nearly 2 years post-my husband’s death, I dreamed of sitting on the side of a mountain with a man for whom I had intense feelings of expansive love. The man was not my late husband but someone younger and yet I couldn’t ever view his face. Every time I would think he was turning his head to face me, I would wake up. I vowed to find that man. A few months ago, I met a man who I immediately felt a connection with. He is several years younger than me, and shortly after we met he sent me photos of his hiking trips as an even younger man…he was sitting on the side of a mountain…and there were 2 occurrences…one he was sitting on the slope of Mt Fuji Japan and the other on the slope in Hells Canyon ID. Both views were nearly identical to my perspective in the dreams. The dreams varied slightly in topography, as did his mountain hikes. It blew my mind and when I told him about the dreams he assuredly responded that now I have the face to go with the dream. And I haven’t had that dream once since I met him. This has to be the most powerful synchronicity and precognitive dream experience I’ve ever experienced, and there have been many. His age when we met was my birth year and my age was his birth year. Also the city where he was born is my middle name, and I lived most of my adult life on a street that matches his middle name. We worked for 10 years on the same military base, even in the same area of the base, yet didn’t meet until 2 years after he had retired, on social media. And if we had met sooner, the circumstances would not have been conducive to us living out our connection in any meaningful way. It’s all so powerful, and I still have trouble wrapping my brain around it. So glad I found your channel…and I have subscribed.
  • Really digging this. Huge Jungian fan for years. Synchro story made as short as possible: Cycling with younger son and his friend on way to a farmer's market. I'm yelling, "Avanti! Avanti!" like an Italian Tour de France coach. Two weeks later, chauffeuring son to his summer gig in the Rockies. We have a 4 hour drive for the last leg. Before we start I ask him if he remembers that Italian word I was using on the way to the market. Neither of us could remember. I said "I'm not going to worry about it. The word will come. It always does." We drive, and then my son realizes that he forgot about the time change, so now we're going to be an hour late. He tries to make cell contact. I drive like the Honda Odyssey van version of "The Italian Job." Remember, this is in the Canadian Rockies, so super tricky! We are going so fast. Finally, son gets cell contact, and it's all okay, we can slow down. I do, and then merge onto the main road, a four-lane highway near Lake Louise. As I do, I see a grey and white camper pull past on our left. It's towing a small, silver car. And up on the back of the camper, in beautiful script, is the word "AVANTI." Neither of us could speak! Go Jung! Grateful!
  • @nancylizotte8168
    Once I was getting ready to teach a 3-day meditative practice and needed a sign that morning as my confidence was low. As I asked the Universe to show up, a white car appeared in front of me with my name as the license plate. I got the confirmation I needed.
  • I was waiting extremely anxiously for my mothers visa appointment so that she could visit me after sudden death of my father. There was already one rejection due to some technicalities. I was nervously pacing at the time she was supposed to be in the interview room. Suddnely my then toddler son came to me with a dusty book in hand and asked me to read it. It was a children's book of a deity that many believed to help with foriegn travel. I hadnt seen that book in a long time and dont know how my son caught hold of it in that moment but I will never forget the twinkling in the eyes and a faint smile my kid had at the moment and the sudden calm I felt in my mind. Yes, 20 mins later I got a text from my mother that she had received the visa. I have wondered if it is my connecting the dots or synchronicity of some sort of assurance from the universe.
  • @jamesdunn1641
    I'm a retired trial lawyer. While putting the final touches on my closing argument, I noticed the clerks 'for the prosecution bringing in the exhibits that they were going to use. There were several clear plastic bags that they had previously called "glassine envelopes". That term had intrigued me since law school where I first heard it because what they were, were sandwich bags in which drug dealers sold their drugs. Seeing those bags caused three things from my past to merge, (1) "glassine envelope" was just a pompous way to say sandwich bag, (2) at a legal seminar I remembered a speaker saying we should use every opportunity to "denegrate" the prosecutions evidence, (3) on the Johnny Carson Show, Johnny and a comedian were discussing what made people laugh and the comedian said, "comedians say out loud what everyone is thinking therefore there is a collective understanding which causes the laughter". I edited my closing argument to say, "all they have is a bunch of "sam-ich" bags", (this was done to "denegrate" the term glassine envelope.) When I said sam-ich bags three jurors guffawed in an attempt to hold their laughter. To make a long story short, my client was the only one of five or six d efendants to be acquitted and that whole line of thinking came together in probably less than 5 minutes but the events that formed the basis of that line of thinking probably happened over a course ov 15 years and were totally independent of one another.