Most Terrifying Interview I've Ever Done... PART 1

Published 2023-09-28
0:00 Intro
01:03 Ghost Photo
07:42 Mysterious Family
18:10 Thoughts On Supernatural
20:53 Aliens
22:31 Encounter With A Spirit
29:22 Joshs Encounter With A Spirit
33:21 Explaining The Unexplained
34:50 The Talking Spirit
41:08 IT Came Home Late
44:17 The Bell Witch
52:02 Indian Cave In Blaine, TN
54:08 TN Dark History
54:32 Revisiting The Night Spirit
57:13 The Mausoleum Videos
1:00:22 New Orleans
1:01:31 Ann Rice Home
1:04:19 Supernatural Entities
1:06:10 Allen And I's Course Coming Out
1:07:56 Closing Thoughts


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Famous Photographers True Encounters Left Him Terrified

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What Lurks Beneath is a channel focused on true scary stories and true horror stories, I cover the supernatural cryptids, bigfoot, dogman and scary mysteries. In this channel, you'll find storytelling of the unkown, the supernatural and the paranormal. If you enjoy shows like Unsolved Mysteries or Paranormal Witness, you'll enjoy What Lur

All Comments (21)
  • @WhatLurksBeneath
    0:00 Intro 01:03 Ghost Photo 07:42 Mysterious Family 18:10 Thoughts On Supernatural 20:53 Aliens 22:31 Encounter With A Spirit 29:22 Joshs Encounter With A Spirit 33:21 Explaining The Unexplained 34:50 The Talking Spirit 41:08 IT Came Home Late 44:17 The Bell Witch 52:02 Indian Cave In Blaine, TN 54:08 TN Dark History 54:32 Revisiting The Night Spirit 57:13 The Mausoleum Videos 1:00:22 New Orleans 1:01:31 Ann Rice Home 1:04:19 Supernatural Entities 1:06:10 Allen And I's Course Coming Out 1:07:56 Closing Thoughts
  • @efraim3364
    always cracks me up when these "professional" ghost hunters challenge a ghost to show itself and when a door moves or whatever they run screaming out of the place
  • The good vibes with animals thing is so true! Dated a guy for 6 months who didn’t believe I had a cat because he literally NEVER saw my cat. The first time my now husband came to my house my cat immediately went right up to him and allowed himself to be pet. Cats can be a good judge of character and personality. We still tease my husband that he’s the cat whisperer, lol!
  • @ilovedetails
    Ohh yeah. I was in the 82nd Airborne and was sent to New Orleans right after Katrina hit. The city was creepy when 95% of the population left. So many wild stories from seeing the above ground cemetaries that popped open from the flood water and having to stay overnight next to it because all of vehicles had popped tires in the same spot. The "Church" that gave an entire squad of troops the same nightmare on one night. That place is crazy. Ill never go back.
  • @Generouslife153
    I haven’t gotten chills from watching these videos since 2014 when I was in high school. When I saw that photo of the family every single hair on my body stood on end and it was as if I could feel the same feeling that the photographer felt when he mentioned the uneasiness.
  • @betsyadams9670
    That family one is creepy. Just because they give to charity doesn’t mean they are not evil. They could just be good at public relations and maintaining a good face.
  • @boudicca272
    That family photo is so creepy. It puts me in the mind of how the demons' faces changed slightly right in front of Charlize Theron's character in Devil's Advocate (movie).
  • @TimTam3
    I just recently found your channel from watching the interview you had with Matt Emch, and ever since that story, I've been thinking about it constantly. It's stayed with me and moved me so much that my mind keeps thinking back to what that man had experienced and how much he suffered afterwards. Even though society is against those beliefs, I am completely convinced. There is more to this world, which is terrifying. It's a shame most people don't see it. Please keep spreading your content. My favourite videos are your interviews, but oh my gosh, We All Need You in this world. I hope you have an amazing day. Best wishes, from Australia ❤️❤️❤️🇦🇺
  • @MagellanMG
    That family pic is so weird! I found the event photos online and none of them look like that. When you say they may have a curse or something, I thought about the recent case in SC about a prominent lawyer who murdered his wife and son. I would really be hesitant to go to the Bell Witch Festival! Ghosts, goblins and ghouls!! Loved this!
  • @jaredpeterson380
    My father-in-law always wore cowboy boots. He passed at 52. Years later, I woke up around 7am. My wife and granddaughter the only other people in the house. Wide awake getting ready to get up, and I clearly hear boots walk through the kitchen and start down the hall. Stopped about where my wife, his daughter, slept. No fear. Just got up and looked out on an empty hall. Everyone else sound asleep.
  • @TupDigital
    Dude....the second photo of the "family" is the best (/worst) thing ive ever seen in the "spooky photos etc" genre that has so thoroughly been done....human instinct is likely our strongest gift in life as well as one of the most intangible and mysterious....these are creatures from an adjacent plane whose human facades are thinly veiled and were revealed here as well as in the photographer's deepest self. Lastly, the interviewee got something 100% wrong when he said those who donate philanthropically and are involved in charitable causes are obviously "good." The most absolutely evil, powerful beasts in human flesh are ALL involved in the world of "charitable causes," foundations, etc etc. Those at the top of the pyramid revel in this farce. Its purpose is many-fold: 1) maintaining the pulled-wool over the gullible majority public's eyes in terms of the image of the power "elite" (🙄). 2) Fulfilling an important aspect of their alchemical contract with the duality of natural law, believing that their material deeds perceived as "good" offset the massive evil that they revel in perpetrating daily. 3) The apparent implied generosity ((4) in actuality just tax write-offs to save billions) is a delightful exercise in the mocking nature beloved of the dark side.
  • @mphillips01ify
    The day after my son moved out, I was rinsing dishes and loading the dishwasher, and someone whispered my first name, next to my right ear. I had long hair and had it piled up on my head in a clip, and wisps were hanging down on my neck at the sides and back. I could feel them move on that side when the whisper happened. I froze and stopped breathing, because I just knew someone was in the house and they were standing right behind me. It seemed like it took me minutes to work up the nerve to turn around, and no one was there. It's a very small kitchen, a standard 3-2-2 house. I took a big knife out of the dishwasher and walked through the house. The patio door was locked and the wooden front door the was open but the glass storm door there was locked. I looked all through the house. There was no one there. When he mentioned that he heard his first name whispered into his right ear, I almost cried. I don't think I've ever told anybody about that day.
  • @jwalk318
    I’ve seen things like the scary family photo before. For example in cults and certain religions and sometimes yes, families, close friends or spouses. Every single person begins to have the same look about them eventually as they become more connected, enmeshed with each other or something. All over including mannerisms and a similar underlying facial expression as seen in this photo. I’ll be honest, when I first saw it I immediately thought it had to be photoshopped or something because their features are also just very strange. And like you said, they apparently didn’t look exactly like that in real life. I think maybe sometimes, they probably do. It’s just a lot more subtle. My theory is that they have the same creepy spirit in them. As with many things in the spirit world not only can one and many be in different places/occasionally even people simultaneously, spirits can be exposed by film, camera, recording devices of all kinds. So yeah, I’ve seen this before many times. I also occasionally can see the faces and bodies of difficult or similar demons hiding underneath some people’s physical form. It’s usually very subtle in real life and a bit more noticeable in photos. Particularly at times when the person is being more controlled so it’s closer to the surface. And also, I can definitely feel the spirit’s presence if I’m around the person/people, even through the photos a bit. Obviously many people FEEL it if nothing else, as I can observe from the reactions to the photo in the comments even. So crazy as I sound? I guess it’s just one of those “if you know, you know.” situations. As for them being “good people”? You can never know a person’s true character by the things they do when they know everyone is watching! So many truly evil and not so good people use a lot of talk of religion, going to church, philanthropy and so forth to hide some very dark secrets. This has always been the case. Like I mentioned, the majority of times I’ve witnessed groups of people who all have a similar underlying look to them, such as this, is within some religions, certain individual churches and cults. Anyway if you come across this, trust your instincts if they don’t give you a feeling of comfort, safety and warmth, even if they say all of the right things? Don’t be too quick to trust or jump into anything they might be trying to “sell” you. Sometimes they can also manipulate your mind in the moment so don’t act or react, buy or join etc. while with people who are like this, if you’re able to see or feel it. Wait until you can look at everything including them from a good distance and a long enough time period that they’ve also moved on from even thinking about you. Trust your instincts yet don’t react in ways that might be seen by many as delusional either. This is real stuff. However sometimes it’s best to just keep it to yourself lol. Unlike me. It’s just that I believe it’s vitally important that people understand what’s out there so they can protect themselves and their loved ones from anyone/anything potentially dangerous and shedding some light on how to know and understand what you might be seeing. More people are “waking up” and need some guidance at least. And things previously hidden in the dark are being brought into the light whether they want that or not.
  • @johnmajor3072
    Awesome video, thanks for sharing! I once lived in a brand new apartment with a friend of mine. And one night we were sitting in the living room eating dinner. And a big shadow moved around the room right in-front of us and each time it would pass a painting on the wall, the painting would turn sideways. We were both looking at each other like "wtf"? I'll never forget it!
  • Doing interviews now? I can dig it lol. My favorite podcast along with yours is the confessionals with Tony Merkel. I love hearing the back and forth of creepy, paranormal, and extraterrestrial topics!
  • 48:55 & 53:30 "There's a reason that there is a fence over a cave." Allen is quite correct here and allow me to explain further. The fencing is built to contain spirits which had to be made from a very specific old world iron material. 'Wrought Iron' as it is called was then known to have protective and repellant properties against the supernatural and unwanted paranormal activity -- much akin to the potently effective properties of silver against ghouls, vampires, night creatures, etc. It is the same reason why wrought iron fences were built around graveyards because it was believed to encapsulate the ethereal phenomena thereby preventing unwanted encounters with spirits beyond the grave. The use of wrought iron eventually disappeared due to the much cheaper and easier production of mild steel until commercial manufacture ceased altogether in the 1970s. Unfortunately, this modern steel variant does not possess the same anti supernatural qualities as its archaic iron counterpart. Great interview and content as always @WhatLurksBeneath -- Cheers.
  • My father had passed away a few years earlier, and I had just that month left my X-fiancĂ© and was filled with some sad emotions. I was laying in my new bed, in my new house, ALONE. I could feel my 2 dogs laying in front of my curled up into me. And all of a sudden I felt the bed behind me, dip low, and I heard my fathers voice in my ear say STACEY…..same loud whisper thing. I was way too scared to roll over and look, but I could smell cigarette smoke and wintergreen certs breath mints which was his thing. He’d smoke a cigarette then pop a certs every time. It’s just the the voice was not just a whisper but a LOUD whisper, like it’s being projected. So weird.
  • @juliehawkins7936
    The photo of the weird family reminds me of the movie "They Live."
  • @coreyleader6206
    I was born with super sensitive senses. Loud noises , strange tastes, lots of things would overwhelm me. I grew out of it eventually but I also had alot of experiences I couldn't explain as a child. All my life animals just love me. Supposedly they can tell if your a good person but it's not like I claim to be better than the average.
  • I have a ghost photo. I was working at an insurance company like 10 years back (Citizens Property Ins Corp) in the commecial residential property dept, like co do associarions and stuff. ANYWAY! I was doing my job and looking through a claim and stumbled onto some photos taken inside the condo unit when I saw this one taken of a bedroom. The person taking the photo was standing in front of the doorway to the room facing straight and directly in front was a formica dresser with the mirror on top (like back in the 90s type furniture) but in the mirror there was a man in what looked like a tuxedo, I could make out a bow tie, the lappel and like a cumberbun around his midsection. He was..... Um.... Calorie dense his face was a bit grabled. I WISH i could post pics here. I snipped it and have kept it with me since then. Its been like 15 that Ive had this pic. And I pull it out now and then just to make sure I am not a lunatic and I'm actually seeing what I'm seeing.