Worth the Wait?: Murder Drones Episode 5 Review

Published 2023-06-11

All Comments (21)
  • "DARKXWOLF17 NOOOOOOOO" is singlehandedly the funniest line in the show, just slightly above "Sneaky sneaky, sneaking away, get snuk upon."
  • 3:34 we learned the reason V is so dead set on Killing Uzi in episode 4 is because she was previously controlled, victimized and mutilated by Cyn, and forced to help do horrible things to N. This explains her relationship to N as well.
  • @elizabethk007
    I loved the insight on N’s past. I didn’t expect the golden retriever line to come back and it really showed N and V’s care for each other
  • @tgibbst
    cyns centipede body was definitely just hanging from the ceiling the whole time. it explains her odd movements and the way she narrates things. in the bedroom scene she uses the claws to move the "normal" arms so i think that she was using holograms to cover everything up and puppeteering the parts that people can see.
  • @d.b.4671
    The highlight for me was Tessa wailing "Union negotiations!" to purposely make J angry.
  • I love how everyone is at the same time relatable, goofy and murderous enough for you to say “who is actually going to be the bad guy?”
  • Cynn wasn't reactivated by Tessa, in the opening cutscene of the episode (shown at 2:16 in this video) the "Marked for Dissasembly" band has Cynn's name on it, therefor, the robot with yellow eyes that we see boot up is Cynn. Additionally, when Cynn reboots, you can read the text on her screen. The screen essentially shows that she was manipulated by the solver to give it control over her. The solver manifested in Cynn, however Cynn is not the solver. edit: you can see the solver's manipulation of Cynn at 3:27 "Hello :] I see you are in- I see we could - for you. I will not discard you. Absolute solver access? Y/N. You will be here for a while" Cynn rebooted on her own because of the 00.01% chance that an improperly disposed of drone could reboot on its own.
  • @kommo1
    I think that it wasnt Tessa who sent the 3 drones. I think it was Cynn. My theory is that N and V were "murdered" in the basement and that J and Tessa were the only survivors off that night. The J that is with Tessa now is the original J, while the 3 Drones that arrived first were some off the "backups" Cynn mentioned.
  • Dol gives me total vampire vibes. Eating people, appearing in the shadows then disappearing into thin air, literally being undead and our main characters becoming one of them transforming with bat wings? This is robot vampires and I'm here for it. They might be going for zombies but they did vampires.
  • I hadn't realized that the patch on the doll's eye was to cover the "absolute solver". even after that bullet tesa shot at her (to show that she knows she has it) i honestly believed she only shot her so she could show dominance.😅
  • "The flesh needs an invitation?" The vampire comparisons keep coming.
  • With how much V is trying to protect N i wonder how she would react if J's murder attempt with the virues succeeded
  • It's also worth noting that when N and V boot up again near the end, the text that flashes on their screens indicate Cyn's admin priviliges being overridden, and Uzi becoming an admin. Uzi is literally an admin in N and V's brains.
  • Now it raises the question if J from the very beginning was just CYN impersonating her since V states she takes new forms as her Absolute Solver makes other drones become her hosts and it's shown that she can mimic others such as having Tessa's hairstyle. Even suspicious that J threatened to kill N but instead simply gave him a cleanup virus and left him there, even called him buddy.
  • @LG_Official.
    Can I just say as a semi gun nerd and seeing the joke with the revolver kinda threw me off guard one because when I saw it at first I saw only the revolver and tried to find out what revolver it was and then I saw the text when going inbetween to images and I just immidetly stopped scrolling in between the frame and image and just sat there for a second before laughing my ass off.
  • @cyberwolf5896
    I think one of the nicest aspects of this episode is the environmental change, the last 4 episodes all took place in dark grey/blue environments whether it was outside in the snow or inside the worker drone bunker, this episode however takes place in a Victorian style mansion with a lot of bright and darker yellows, along with the rain and thunder to add more horror effects. So I applaud this episode for visually standing out to the others and changing up the setting
  • @ObesityCity
    11:13 holy crap that actually makes so much sense. I've been wondering what Tessa was "Just checking" for and what you said actually makes sense. Anyone with absolute solver would use it to block the bullet Tessa fired, similar to how Cyn did with all the stuff Tessa threw at her, however, since Doll covered their eye with an eyepatch it most likely prevented her from using her absolute solver to block the bullet, even though the bullet was supposed to miss on purpose.
  • I really liked this episode. It was fun and this show is the kind of show that kind of needs setup episodes. I do however agree that Doll was kind of just thrown in.