How To Beat The DEATH HOUSE In "Inside"

Published 2023-05-06

All Comments (21)
  • the whole thing was an art project. that is my theory. the apartment owner wanted an artpiece derived of human insanity never seen before, so the goal was to trap a robber, make them go insane, and whatever things they broke, built, or drew, was considered art. I believe this because of the final cinematic shots of the tower and Nemos wall scribbles. It is also suspicious his partners gave up on him so quickly. SO yes, I believe the entire experience, was in itself, an art project/performance/piece.
  • @lexhdz5803
    literally as soon as you see the painting youre looking for isnt there and your accomplice pressures you to look for it with only 3 minutes left you only have 2 options: run to block the sliding door from closing and actually looking for the painting, or leave IMMEDIATELY with whatever youve been able to get
  • He gave up far too soon on breaking the windows. I would have drawn a target on the window so I could hit the same spot repeatedly and there were plenty of object to use to try. If I succeeded in breaking it I would start throwing stuff over the edge, it's clearly a busy city so this would draw attention. I know this would bring the cops and I'd more than likely be arrested but that is better than dying or going insane.
  • Is it just me or did Willem DaFoe rapidly age up until about 50 and then just...stop? He looks the same age in every movie he's been in for like 20 years at this point.
  • @jahwuan0260
    I would also like to add that since the security system was gonna randomly rude and lower the temperature, once I found the gardens sprinkler water was safe I would use it to make more ice cubes in the event that the heat gets too high again, I’d prefer the place colder cuz I can grab more things to warm up than I can to cook down but still just in case
  • @mistasofly
    All the teammates had to do was call the building front desk pretending to be the owner of the penthouse and tell them, "my house sitter is having electrical issues, please send maintenance to help him." No risk to themselves, and Nemo could get out of there with a plausible story to avoid getting arrested. Why'd they abandon him so fast?
  • @Soup_Whale99
    Cold air being pumped in is ALOT better than hot air. You can only take off so many layers to cool down and have limited resources that could keep heat away and hydration becomes a worse issue, in the cold you can layer on and on clothes, blankets and everything else that keeps in heat,hydration becomes less of an issue(still a big issue tho) since the air becomes more moisturized, the cold also doesent make you as weak as the heat.
  • @THE.FBI22
    They really turned finding Nemo into a horror movie.
  • @nekomi_kiyxi
    A how to beat video a day keeps death traps away.
  • @aceknight6622
    I had a theory the art collecter was really his accomplice. the door shutting and then him abandoning you almost immediately when he could have easily gotten you some help. the odd painting showing him. the painting now being where it was supposed to be,the accomplice pressuring him theres alot. also wouldn't putting something in between the door just crush the object? anything that's not metal would be crushed wouldn't it?
  • @mainlyglitches
    A few things which may have worked is: 1: he could bottle pool water and refrigerate it it make ice cubes. These couldn’t be eaten, but could help cool him down. 2: perhaps he could destroy the toilet. This may lead a hole big enough for him to climb through and possibly get out through the walls/ floor. If the hole was too small. After getting the sprinkler system on the water could have leaked down to lower floors and got someone’s attention. As the water would be dripping through walls the water may reach lower floors, increasing the chances of someone reporting a problem.
  • How many walls in a building like this are reinforced? The doors and windows are designed to not be broken. I’d go for the walls in general.
  • @kraftyevan
    Even if the police did come to get him, hed be arrested sure, but the homeowner would be sued and convicted for cruel and unusual punishment most likely, furthermore, Nemo would be able to sue the owner for an insane amount of money. This has happened many many times with robbers actually getting away with money and without conviction because of the homeowner's actions.
  • Just going from what the film shows, I suspect this wasn't really about an Art Thief being trapped. This is more like purgatory or Hell. I even suspect the "Art Thief" is really the "Art Collector". But that might be over thinking it. hehe
  • @madamlt5758
    It was a trap all along. The owner knew someone would eventually try to break in and steal his “priceless” paintings.
  • i think that everything was just a trap by the art collector's part, maybe the big painting he found at the begining might just portray all of his victims, bc he got abandoned so fast, at the literal first sign of problem, with so much money at stake, given that he didnt encountered any cameras during his stay there might as well be a big setup to cage a thief inside it
  • Wow. Cliff-hanger. I thought because he turned the house into a peace of Art, the owner will come back and auction the house for over a 1M