Why Every Lead Actor Left Doctor Who

Published 2024-02-03

All Comments (21)
  • It's a bit ironic that Whittaker and Chibnall made an agreement to honor the 3 seasons guideline and pass on the baton to the next new Doctor only to end up passing it back to Tennant.
  • @gregorio5360
    I would adore a Scooby-Doo-esque cameo clip of doctors 11 through 15 accidentally running into each other somewhere, getting into the wrong Tardises, then running around between doors getting into the correct one. That sounds like the level of commitment I think Peter Capaldi would sign on for. (Edit: Fixed "Tardises")
  • @NorthernChev
    Tom Baker, David Tennant and Matt Smith absolutely crushed it during their series runs.
  • @astrinix
    Tennant: If i don't take a *deep breath*... Name of 1st episode with capaldi: Deep Breath
  • @kenthomas505
    Too bad Smith didn't do a full series with Jenna Coleman. They didn't get enough of a chance to play off of each other and establish a better connection between 11 and Clara. A full series would have helped fans gravitate more to them as well since most think Clara worked better with 12 than 11. Pity.
  • @danielking5812
    Given that I am a quarry worker in Cardiff, I quite like my job. Just saying
  • @flamerama7344
    I’m supposed to be doing a university assignment and then this shows up and I caved
  • @sephalon1
    1 - Got old and sick 2 - Got worn out 3 - Wanted a raise and didn't get it 4 - Conflicts with the producers 5 - Decided at the beginning to do three seasons and did that 6 - Fired 7 - Show got cancelled 8 - Pilot didn't get picked up 9 - Conflicts with the producers 10 - Left before being typecast 11 - Got worn out 12 - Got worn out 13 - Pre-agreed to do 3 seasons
  • @mcsnaga
    Another factor in Pertwee's departure I believe was his increasingly bad back which meant he struggled in the role towards the end.,
  • @thesagebrushkid1
    I really wish that we’d had another Smith season. No reason other than he’s my favourite doctor and I’d have liked more of him.
  • @doorofnight87
    For many of them, actor's can get bored staying too long in the same part, they want to be challenged and go on to do other things. While 'three seasons' has become something of a norm, and credited to Patrick Troughton, but Troughton was a very well respected character actor before Doctor Who and quickly became one again after Doctor Who. Tom Baker might be synonymous with the character, but he really never did much afterward as he was in the role for so long (and it was well known by the time he left that he had become extremely difficult to work with). He's done a lot of voice work but his career never really recovered on film, his one big thing I can thing of is that he plays Puddleglum (magnificently) in the BBC adaption of The Silver Chair. I think only Matt Smith was a relative unknown when he was cast in the role, even Peter Davison was in two other TV shows at the same time. None of the other actors have really been big stars, but pretty well known and respected character actors with a good body of work and there is to some degree an urge to get back to that and not get typecast, overstay their welcome, or end up disliking the job.
  • @julianaylor4351
    Before Cardiff, it was BBC studios, then later everywhere and a Surrey quarry. There is a tale, not sure if it's an urban myth that Dr Who was filming at one end of a quarry and Blake's Seven at the other. I should imagine that all those dangerous places... remember Tom Baker broke a bone on location once, must have taken their toll.
  • I've also heard that Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi wanted to do other projects and Doctor Who was getting in the way of that, as well as that Smith and David Tennant have both said they felt they could've played The Doctor forever.
  • @justthehari
    12:00 basically Capaldi said to Chibnall "Your writings are suck " in the Doctor way 😅
  • @GuyClapperton1
    We hear a lot about how William Hartnell was “no spring chicken” or whatever but he was born in January 1908 so actually played the part in his mid-fifties. His illness, arteriosclerosis, was what deprived him of his memory - sad to reflect he was only in his mid sixties when he actually died.
  • @annapierce8666
    Tom Baker is the Best classic Doctor and David Tennant is the Best Revival Doctor 📘