40 year old Pcvr virgin

Published 2020-10-16
I got my 1st gaming computer today. I also turn 40 in December. I've been a console guy for 35 years that is so gross when I say it out loud this is huge for me

All Comments (2)
  • @paulosborne7874
    iam 50 i got my first console atari 2600 when i was 10, had every ps except 5 and every x box except the new one, i am still a pc virgin but my son was 14 last month and after wi wiiu switch and xbox 1 he wanted a gaming pc for his bday, $1500 was alot for a bday but he lives in a different part of uK and i only see his holidays so got him one, he was over the moon and he bought an occulus with his money, sad to say i have never played on anything vr either, i did get a console x for my 50th with 4500 games on from my past, just the job for an old bastard, breaking my controller playing track and field