Trapping Elijah


コメント (21)
  • I kinda wish the DLC Companions could be regular companions
  • New Vegas is the most stressful game I've ever played.
  • Took all the gold bars and the shit tonnes of weapons and ammo.... I LEARNED NOTHING!!!!!!!!
  • If anyone is still looking, wait for Elijah to stand in front of the terminal then start sneaking away
  • Dean Really doesn't deserve to survive, he is an evil, vain and vindictive SOB. Heck this ending even reinforces that.
  • Gotta hand it whoever played Elijah, he absolutely knocked that performance out of the park.
  • Dean was so unaccustomed with guilt he didn't even realise what he was feeling.
  • I know it probably doesn't do anything, but when I trapped Elijah in the vault, I take all the supplies, so he dies quicker.
  • @pilot3605
    I managed to left with 5 bars only, watching this makes me realize of an awesome way of easily getting all 37. Kill Elijah, sever a limb and put everything in his body/container. Use the z key to hold the severed limb and carry it to the elevator, and once there in front of it, loot the container and use the elevator. From there all you have to do is walk to the exit and then store everything in the Bos Bunker. It kind of defeats the purpose of the dlc but it is tempting, given how damn expensive weapons can get in this game.....
  • lol I almost completed dead money then got stimpack sickness and kept dying in the slideshow room
  • For everyone saying this video is bs. There’s a reason he waited till Elijah was in the room. Once he’s in the room that’s when you make a break for it. It takes a bit of luck and a fuck ton of timing. But I just did it and believe me the 11 million times I died trying made doing it all that sweeter.
  • It is so sad what happened to Elijah. The old fool was blinded by greed and misinterpreted the treasure of Sierra Madre as gold and money. He was oblivious to the fact that the true treasure of Sierra Madre are the friendships we built along the way smh 😤
  • For some reason, it's impossible for me to sneak past him before the energy field is turned on. (Oh wait, I don't think I could leave that way without taking the gold.)
  • People keep telling those who took the gold bars and managed to escape 'you learned nothing' lol hey now at least we now roam the mojave 36 gold bars richer than y'all. I'll take that over some shitty faint lesson from some ruined casino tale
  • No lie if I could, I would split the cut of the gold with the lads before saying goodbye and making my way for the divide
  • Funny enough you trap him between the barrier and the vault door
  • YEESS I DID IT!!! It has been ages since i last played New Vegas, let alone Dead Money... But I have never managed to trap him in the vault until a random succes which I was very happy about the moment the force shield closed right behind me. Heading right towards the exit in overencumbered excitement, right upon entering the elevator FalloutNV.exe stops working so i had to do it AGAIN. For the second time I noticed that Elijah makes sudden stops during his walking to the vault terminal itself, like his walking was buggy of some kind. But I think during these "stops" Elijah just scans the area for your movements somehow, because he does catch you, and you can't even comprehend how. After countless tries for this second time as well I found that you should make your move after his last sudden stop before making it to the terminal. Like this the force field closes behind you and you can just walk to the elevator and return with the gold. The gold, you're not even able to sell in one, it takes forever to turn all of them into caps.... So much caps you can't even spend in the game even if you buy literally everything.