Canada's Healthcare System Explained!

Published 2014-02-23
Last week we discussed the United States health care system. This week we discuss Canada's. We also take some time to bust some myths about their single payer health care system. Fight about it in the comments below.

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References for a lot of the "myths" about Canada can be found here:…
Aaron's series on quality is here:…
Canadian wait time data is here:

John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Olsen - Graphics

All Comments (21)
  • @kurzgesagt
    It would be really, really cool if you could explain the healthcare systems of some european countries and their pros and cons as well (Germany for example). This stuff is so hard to figure out and you are doing an excellent job!
  • @Key39080683S1
    The logic behind our health care system is simple;  noone, especially a child, should have to suffer or die from a curable condition because they don't have the money.  Tommy Douglas was voted the Greatest Canadian because he taught us to take care of each other.
  • @lahdeedah87
    What weird myths. As a Canadian, I had never even heard these before. How strange. 
  • @LucysCorsetry
    I know that many of my friends ended up attending medical/ dental schools in the US (there are over 140 med schools in the US and only 17 in Canada), but nearly all of them intend to come back to Canada to practice.
  • @ac14pc
    "Most people assume that America is better..." You mean most americans, right?
  • @westquake1778
    You've left out the patient cost side of the system. Most provinces - no medical premium to patients, i.e. paid out of provincial tax base. No co-pays on covered services. No patient invoices. No bad debts/collections. No personal bankruptcies to pay medical costs. No lifetime limits. No "in/out networks". No pre-existing conditions.
  • As someone born in the US, who lived (Kentucky) there for 26 years and has spent the last 5 years in Canada (Alberta), it is way better here.
  • @DawnyPotter
    Can I just say how happy these videos make me as a physio student in a course that emphasises evidence based practise. It is near unheard of to hear people supporting their claims with scientific evidence, and talk about how trustworthy the evidence is.
  • @NiramBG
    wait, what? I've only heard good things about Canada's health care system!
  • @EasternExplorer
    Every time I've ever spoken to an American about the healthcare system they always go straight to the wait time thing. I've never understood why they think the wait times are long. I've been to the ER 3 times in the last couple years and I've never had to wait more then a few minutes to be seen by a doctor. Likewise when my father had a heart attack they stabilized him ran tests and performed surgery on him within the hour of arrival to the hospital. I've never had complaints on our healthcare.
  • @lukejvb
    I am a proud Canadian, I have lived here my whole life and I have never hear complaining about "wait times", or any other the other myths.
  • @ukieman07
    Canadian here. This is pretty much spot on. It's also worth noting that many provincial supplementary insurance (mine is Alberta Blue Cross) for things like vision, dental, and pharmaceuticals, is provided by your employer to damn near every full time job, and also for many regular part-time jobs. As well, these plans generally cover your WHOLE family (my understanding is that in the United States, only a select few health insurance plans supplied by employers cover the entire family). Plus, this additional insurance is super inexpensive, since it only covers a few things, and all plans cover these same few things, so there isn't much competition to be had.
  • @wannabeMLGpro
    I like seeing Canada get a bit of recognition. We're always glossed over as that place above america, so getting any screen time on anything just gets me going
  • @TragicallySharp
    As a Canadian I would rather wait and get care for free than pay a whole bunch of money. I love my free health care!!
  • I'm Canadian, and if some moneybags want to go to the States for care, have at it! If I said I didn't give a damn, I'd be lying. No, I'm glad. Why? Because our wait times really aren't that bad, but if you can take even one daft rich person who wants to pay out of pocket, and remove them from /my/ waiting line? I ain't saying no.
  • @TheTundraTerror
    Every time I hear Americans rag on about the Canadian system, I just go to the walk-in clinic and get my feelings checked for free.
  • @achtungcircus
    If you want a heart/lung transplant it's hard to beat Toronto General Hospital.
  • @adamniagara2108
    Thank you HT!!  As a Canadian I am proud to see our system explained by Americans in a positive light.  It is such a relief to be a Canadian and not have to worry about health costs unless expensive drug plans are necessary.  I have had many family members and friends go through the system for medical procedures such as lower back surgery, hip replacements, knee replacements and other things, none have complained about our system and all felt they were treated well.  Particularly in cases where surgery was necessary due to severe pain and medical emergencies, these people were pushed through the system remarkably fast in order to get them better and allow for them to get back to work.   I am glad to live in a country where I feel secure that if I need medical treatment I will get it no matter what and that in the down time, I can even receive disability compensation for my time off work via the government.  No one, I repeat, no one I know in Canada wants private health care and we all gawk and wonder at the US system and how people can defend it.   I hope for the best for you guys!