why is this so garbage

Published 2022-09-24
yeah this exists i don't rembemer (btw this word shall be spelt rembemer from this day forth) what occured after making, (i do rembemer making, tho) but it seems i made it private, probs because it sucked balls, and i can't find it on Files, reaffirming my theory.
I found about this after making the STILL ALIVE.exe vid, and putting it on the internet, and honestly i think the world needs to know. or deserves...
man The Dark Knight was so damn go-oh shit this is spoodermon video.
anyways, gotta finish the editing process, see ya.... oh wait nobody reads these

All Comments (5)
  • @DiomedesofMashad
    Why the FUCK are any of you here? I made this video when i was nine and reposted it when i was thirteen, who the fuck is putting this at the top of peoples algorithms, are you SEARCHING for this? wtf
  • @Qitler13
    What am i watching 4 year old kiddo makes weird freaking sounds for no reason and posts it to the youtube then calls it video?!