The Trump Presidency: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2017-11-12
One year after the presidential election, John Oliver discusses what we've learned so far and enlists our catheter cowboy to teach Donald Trump what he hasn't.

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All Comments (21)
  • @theblopperify
    "Just cause Jared Kushner is smarter than you, doesn't mean he's smart". Man... that backhand burn...
  • That interview where Trump refuses to give an honest answer and ends up siting down on his desk and pretending to be busy to get the reporter to leave him alone looks like something out of The Office. Even the way it`s shot, with the camera awkwardly lingering on Trump as he fumbles whit his papers is spot on.
  • @matthewj8613
    Rewatching this, I remember how concerned I was, and how unhappy I was, about the fact that I didn't know if I was about to deploy or not. That situation with Korea was the icing of the cake. He may have been "trolling" the media, but they certainly weren't thinking about the troops and how he was toying with our futures and emotions, wondering if we were about to go to war. Disgusting.
  • I have rarely laughed louder than the part where the word for word reading of his speech was done.
  • @sencic4532
    That clip of Trump refusing to answer the question and going to sit at his desk and pretend to do paper work feels like it was taken straight out of The Office.
  • @ericwall6219
    "I don't stand by anything." Words spoken by the President of the United States. That's so chilling, it's absolutely no wonder why we've wound up here.
  • @reinemarais4392
    Six years on this show is timeless. Wish I'd known you then, John Oliver. I know you now. Thank you.
  • @bradleyrose811
    "Just because Jared Kushner is smarter than you, doesn't mean he's smart" Almost spit my beer out on that one
  • @bananawal8215
    "You guys... Are fine" Thank you Reverend John, we're honoured
  • @ChipMatthews
    Whoever does the Photoshop work for this show is a mad genius.
  • @elvisonwax
    Watching this four years later, it’s WORSE than we remembered. John Oliver sounded the alarm five years ago. He saw everything that was coming.
  • @vjscarpaci8597
    Watching this after the attack on the capitol building makes what Oliver is saying even more impactful
  • @myMelody4life
    This segment is still just as relevant today as it was when it first aired in Nov. of 2017...
  • @LaughingClown17
    "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln
  • This is entirely unrelated to the topic of this video, but John just going "No." after that Fox and Friends clip is one of the funniest things that's ever been on this show and I have no idea why.
  • @bahisaz402
    I'm not an US citizen nor do I live in US, but I keep up to date with clusterfuck of a politics you have. P.S. Thanks Mr. Oliver and the whole LastWeekTonight for having common sense , funny as hell.
  • @etohprn5158
    “....We are familiar enough with his speech patterns that we get the basic gist...” Don’t we say the exact same thing about most toddlers??
  • @123sammyali
    People keep talking about how the younger generation lacks respect but from what I can see there’s a lot of grown men - well into their 50s and 70s - who act like petty teenagers and babies. They need to take off the tie & put on a bib.
  • I live in Australia and during the trump presidency, my family and I talked about him so much we had to make a pact to not talk about him anymore. It was just too rage inducing. I couldn’t imagine the level of frustration Americans would have felt if that’s how my family felt in a different fucking country.
  • @nickbarnes685
    His use of language "is like a drunk driver crashing a pick up truck full of alphabet soup". What a great sentence!