Surviving 24 Hours in a tropical beach with no food and water

Published 2024-06-09
In my last trip to the rainforest of Chocó I felt confident enough to go with just 6 Items to a remote beach surrounded only by rainforest and spend 24 hours there with no food and water supplies.
I had to get my calories from nature just by foraging and and fishing.
Also I had to start the fire in a very wet environment after a nocturnal rain, which made it quite tricky just with a firesteel and no artificial tinder. To light the fire I used the shaving of a bamboo (Guadua angustifolia) and the thin fibres that can be found between the branches of the coconut palm.
My Items were :
-Swiss Army knife
-Fishingline and hooks

More of my adventures in IG:

All Comments (10)
  • @guidogrimm8596
    Wieder mal ein schönes Video von dir. Ich mag bei deinen Videos deinen ruhigen und authentischen Stil!
  • @Veg4
    Very exciting, thank you for sharing!
  • Wieder mal sage ich Danke fürs zeigen. Das Paradies habe ich mir immer ohne Wohlstandsmüll vorgestellt aber die Realität ist ja anders. Habe jetzt erst bemerkt das du Linkshänder bist und recht genügsam. Freue mich aufs nächste Video Gruß vom Bensberger
  • Do primitive survival for 3 days, without food, shelter, and water. People love to see creativity with bushcraft.