The Truth About Transgender Suicide | Helen Joyce

Published 2024-05-21
In this clip, Helen Joyce exposes the lies about transgender suicide which is used to coerce clinicians, parents, and patients.

Helen Joyce was Britain Editor at The Economist, where she worked for over 15 years before she
joined the gender-critical campaign group Sex Matters as a director. She is the author of Trans:
When Ideology Meets Reality.
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All Comments (21)
  • @garyweglarz
    If an anorexic teenager who truly believes she is obese - though she is actually dangerously undernourished - commits suicide - should we attribute her suicide to our having "failed" to confirm her "belief" that she was obese - when she was in fact starving herself to death? The irrational and unscientific nature of this ideological takeover of science and medicine is complete madness.
  • @ggavin9934
    "Do no harm" is now replaced by "make more money" by the medical profession.
  • @cnrspiller3549
    It is beyond mere neglect. This is child cruelty and abuse. All "experts" involved deserve jail imo.
  • Some after transitioning still commit suicide because they haven’t been treated for what was really wrong. What has happened is so horrific and disgusting
  • @leewilliams5341
    It’s time to hold the healthcare professionals accountable. What ever happened to “first do no harm”?
  • @source4magic
    Their true mantra is “repeat the slogan” rather than “believe the science.”
  • @jonsmum5552
    Do girls even think about getting pregnant at ten. Absolutely not. At sixteen I thought I knew everything. How very wrong I was.
  • @bulltastik
    Prescribing infertility drugs to 10 year old girls (or boys, for that matter) should be reason enough for that Dr. to be prosecuted & lose his/her medical license.
  • @blujay9191
    They use the term 'dead-name' instead of 'birth-name'. What else do you need to know?
  • @annafry9922
    Transitioning is NOT a solution to underlying mental or environmental problems. Quite to contrary it adds to it for a lifetime of misery
  • @pinnitt
    They are doing this on purpose. It was never about helping the children. They actively SHAMED the only people who were genuinely acting in the children’s best interest
  • @marhar1172
    My daughter was dangerously anorexic and her father and grandfather, with all good intentions were manipulated into her controlling ways by giving into her demands of "if you don't do what i want then she will commit suicide". As much as it hurt me i resisted the manipulation and said i wouldn't play her game. Eventually because i resisted her threats and as i saw her wasting away i figured standing up to her was the kindest thing i could do. She needed someone on her side to see that her pain went way beyond the eating disorder..She eventually got better with time and a good therapist and never got sick again and is living a life she once dreamed about. It took years but i never caved to her demands and eventually that saved her life. Parents need to be the adults in the room and be an advocate for their children instead of their friend.
  • @tbong9293
    Thank you so much Helen Joyce for speaking out and talking about this attack on Children, it’s getting worse with the Christian Churches now starting to become gender affirming, God help us!
  • @megofiachra3247
    I’ve thought that the increase in suicide for confused kids is partially due to so many people saying that they will do this. In other words, the power of suggestion.
  • @yooneeque1
    I was always bothered by the question "would you rather have a dead son or a living daughter?"
  • Helen Joyce speaks so eloquently it’s a pleasure to listen, however horrendous the subject.